This site contains documentation for HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric release 7.9.0, including installation, configuration, administration, and reference content, as well as content for the associated ecosystem components and drivers.
This section contains information about installing HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric software. It also contains information about how to migrate data and applications from an Apache Hadoop cluster to a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster.
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric is the industry-leading data platform for AI and analytics that solves enterprise business needs.
This section describes how to manage the nodes and services that make up a cluster.
Lists topics that help manage a Data Fabric cluster.
Provides a synopsis of managing nodes in a cluster.
This section provide information about how to organize and manage data using volumes, a unique feature of HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric clusters.
Administration of the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database is done primarily via the command line (maprcli) or with the Managed Control System (MCS). Regardless of whether the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database table is used for binary files or JSON documents, the same types of commands are used with slightly different parameter options. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database administration is associated with tables, columns and column families, and table regions.
A HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric gateway mediates one-way communication between a source HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster and a destination cluster. You can replicate HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database tables (binary and JSON) and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams streams. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric gateways also apply updates from JSON tables to their secondary indexes and propagate Change Data Capture (CDC) logs.
This section describes how to monitor the health and performance of a MapR cluster.
Describes how to configure security and manage secure clusters.
Provides procedures that will enable you to use Data Fabric clusters securely.
The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Data Access Gateway is a service that acts as a proxy and gateway for translating requests between lightweight client applications and the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster. This section describes considerations when upgrading the service, how to modify configuration settings, and how to administer and manage the service.
This section contains in-depth reference information for the administrator.
This section provides information about the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric command API. Most commands can be run on the command-line interface (CLI), or by making REST requests programmatically or in a browser.
Each command reference page includes the command syntax, a table that describes the parameters, and examples of command usage.
Verifies given user roles for ACEs exists in the /opt/mapr/conf/m7_permissions_roles_refimpl.conf file.
Describes the acl commands used to access control lists (ACLs).
Describes the alarm commands that perform functions related to system alarms.
Describes commands used to audit operations related to cluster management and data access.
Describes commands used to include users in the blocklist and to list users who are in the blocklist.
Manages cluster features, gateways, and cluster-wide settings.
Adds, deletes and updates clusters from cluster groups/global namespace.
Returns the activation status and enables restoration of a disabled fabric.
Describes the cluster usage commands that check the service activation URLs, register the cluster, and renew the activation for an air-gapped cluster.
Lists configuration values for the Data Fabric cluster.
Displays a summary of information about the cluster.
Lists disk parameters.
Returns key information about volumes, containers, storage pools, and Data Fabric cluster services for debugging and troubleshooting.
Manages entities (users and groups).
Displays information about HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database or file-system components that are identified by a FID.
Lets you perform tiering operations at the file level.
Initiates offload of a file using a MAST Gateway.
Initiates recall of a file from a storage tier using a MAST Gateway.
Initiates termination of an ongoing offload or recall operation.
Checks the status of a previous offload or recall operation.
Checks the status of the file offload operation and returns information on whether or not the file has any local data.
Creates and modifies filters to restrict certain file types from being stored on specified volumes.
This section covers various work flows of IAM policies.
Describes the maprcli command to enable insights and get information related to insights.
Describes commands for the as-a-service HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster installation and removal.
Manages Hadoop jobs running on the cluster.
Manages Data Fabric licenses.
Manages registration and modification of labels.
Refreshes NFS exports and server cache.
Manages NFSv4 server.
Manages nodes in the cluster
Commands for managing Open Telemetry (OTel) end points.
Manages resource usage limits for the cluster.
Manages schedules.
Lists all services on the specified node, the memory allocated for each service, the state of each service, and log path for each service.
Sets log level on individual services.
Manages stream functionality.
Displays help for the maprcli commands related to Kafka topics that are available in Data Fabric.
Commands for managing HPE Ezmeral Object Store domains.
Commands for managing HPE Ezmeral Object Store access and secret keys.
Performs functions related to HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database tables.
Lets you create, modify, remove, and retrieve list of tiers and tiering rules.
Lets you view and modify the trace buffer, and the trace levels for the system modules.
Displays the status page URL for the specified service.
Manages virtual IP addresses for NFS nodes.
Manages volumes, snapshots and mirrors.
Lists mc commands that you can use to perform operations, such as creating and editing buckets and accounts in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store.
Contains information about various scripts and utilities, that help setup, maintain, and monitor clusters.
This section contains reference information about various configuration files.
The pages in this section provide details about all of the types of alarms.
This section provides information associated with the Data Fabric environment.
Lists the common errors and their solutions.
Lists the best practices and performance considerations to follow when backing up HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric information.
Describes the IPv6 support feature for Data Fabric.
This section contains information related to application development for Ezmeral ecosystem components and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric products, including the file system, Database (Key-Value and JSON), and Event Streams.
This section contains release-independent information, including: Installer documentation, Ecosystem release notes, interoperability matrices, security vulnerabilities, and links to other Data Fabric version documentation.
Definitions for commonly used terms in MapR Converged Data Platform environments.