service list
Lists all services on the specified node, the memory allocated for each service, the state of each service, and log path for each service.
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli service list -node <node name> [ -cluster <cluster name> ] [ -zkconnect <ZooKeeper connect string> ] [ -output terse|verbose ]
Request Type GET Request URL http[s]://<host>:<port>/rest/service/list?<parameters>
Parameter |
Description |
cluster | The cluster on which to run the command. If this parameter is omitted, the command is run on the same cluster where it is issued. In multi-cluster contexts, you can use this parameter to specify a different cluster on which to run the command. |
node | The node for which to list services. Default: localhost. If this is not specified, the /etc/hosts file must include the IP address or hostname for the localhost. |
output | Whether the output should be terse or verbose. Default: verbose. |
zkconnect | A ZooKeeper connect string, which specifies a list of the hosts running
ZooKeeper, and the port to use on each, in the format:
'<host>[:<port>][,<host>[:<port>]...]'. To obtain zookeeper
connection strings, use the maprcli node listzookeepers
command. |
Output Fields
Field | Description |
name | Service name. |
state | Current state of the service. See Service States. |
logpath | Path to the log files for the service. |
displayname | Display name of the service in the Control System. |
Service States
The following table lists the service states with their descriptions:
State | Description |
0 | Not configured. The package for the service is not installed and/or the
service is not configured ( has not run). This
state is also returned for all the services if you run the command without
specifying a node. |
1 | Configured. The package for the service is installed and configured. |
2 | Running. The service is installed, started by the warden, and is currently running. |
3 | Stopped. The service is
installed and has run, but the
service is not running. |
4 | Failed. The service is installed and configured, but not running. |
5 | Stand by. The service is installed and is in standby mode, waiting to take over in case of failure of another instance. |
CLI Example
The following output is an example of the service information returned when you run the
service list
command without specifying the node:
# /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli service list -json
"timeofday":"2019-04-11 10:47:30.131 GMT-0700 PM",
"displayname":"NFS4 Gateway"
REST Example
The following output is an example of the service information returned when you issue
the service list
REST API call, without specifying a node:
# curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
{"timestamp":1529380971417,"timeofday":"2018-06-18 09:02:51.417 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":9,"data":[{"name":"fileserver","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/mfs.log","displayname":"FileServer"},{"name":"resourcemanager","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/logs","displayname":"ResourceManager"},{"name":"cldb","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/cldb.log","displayname":"CLDB"},{"name":"nfs4","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/nfs4/nfs4server.log","displayname":"NFS4 Gateway"},{"name":"mastgateway","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/mastgateway.log","displayname":"MASTGatewayService"},{"name":"nodemanager","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/logs","displayname":"NodeManager"},{"name":"gateway","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/gateway.log","displayname":"GatewayService"},{"name":"hoststats","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/hoststats.log","displayname":"HostStats"},{"name":"apiserver","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/apiserver/logs/apiserver.log","displayname":"APIServer"}]}
The following output is an example of the service information returned when you run the
service list
command after specifying a node:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli service list -node -json
"timeofday":"2019-04-11 11:11:47.312 GMT-0700 PM",
"displayname":"NFS4 Gateway"
REST Example
The following output is an example of the service information returned when you issue
the service list
REST API call, after specifying a node:
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
{"timestamp":1529380971417,"timeofday":"2018-06-18 09:02:51.417 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":9,"data":[{"name":"fileserver","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/mfs.log","displayname":"FileServer"},{"name":"resourcemanager","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/logs","displayname":"ResourceManager"},{"name":"cldb","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/cldb.log","displayname":"CLDB"},{"name":"nfs4","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/nfs4/nfs4server.log","displayname":"NFS4 Gateway"},{"name":"mastgateway","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/mastgateway.log","displayname":"MASTGatewayService"},{"name":"nodemanager","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.0/logs","displayname":"NodeManager"},{"name":"gateway","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/gateway.log","displayname":"GatewayService"},{"name":"hoststats","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/logs/hoststats.log","displayname":"HostStats"},{"name":"apiserver","state":0,"logpath":"/opt/mapr/apiserver/logs/apiserver.log","displayname":"APIServer"}]}