Manages nodes in the cluster
The following table lists the data fields that provide information about each node. Each field has two names:
- Field name - displayed in the output of the
node list
command - Short name - used to specify the columns displayed using the
The short name is also used when specifying rows with a filter,
for example when specifying nodes on which to perform an action
with the node services
Field Name |
Short Name |
Description |
blockMovesIn | bmi | Block moves in. |
blockMovesOut | bmo | Block moves out. |
bytesReceived | br | Bytes received by the node since the last CLDB heartbeat. |
bytesSent | bs | Bytes sent by the node since the last CLDB heartbeat. |
clienthealth | clhealth | The status of the client. Value can be one of the following:
clienttype | cltype | The type of client. For example, posixclientgold, posixclientbasic, posixclientplatinum, LOOPBACK_NFS, NFS_V3, NFS_V4. |
configuredservice | csvc | Services that are configured as roles on the node. |
CorePresentAlarm | ncp | Timestamp when the Core Present alarm was raised. |
cpus | cpc | The total number of CPUs on the node. |
davail | dsa | Disk space available on the node, in GB. |
DiskFailureAlarm | fda | Timestamp when Disk Failure alarm was raised. |
disks | dsc | Total number of disks on the node. |
dreadK | drk | Disk Kbytes read since the last heartbeat. |
dreads | dro | Disk read operations since the last heartbeat. |
DRILLDOWNALARM | nadrill | Timestamp when "Drill Service Down" alarm was raised. |
dtotal | dst | Total disk space on the node, in GB. |
dused | dsu | Disk space used on the node, in GB. |
dwriteK | dwk | Disk Kbytes written since the last heartbeat. |
dwrites | dwo | Disk write ops since the last heartbeat. |
ESServerDown | naes | Timestamp when "Elasticsearch Server Down" alarm was raised. |
faileddisks | nfd | Number of failed file system disks on the node.
fs-heartbeat | fhb | Time since the last heartbeat to the CLDB, in seconds. |
GatewayServiceDown | nagwsd | Timestamp when "Gateway Service Down" alarm was raised. |
HbaseThriftServiceDown | hbasethrift | Timestamp when "HBase Thrift Service Down" alarm was raised. |
HbProcessingSlow | hbpsa | Timestamp when Heartbeat Processing Slow alarm was raised. |
health | h | Overall node health, calculated from various alarm states:
healthDesc | hd | The health description. |
HighMfsMemoryAlarm | nhmm | Timestamp when MapR File System High Memory alarm was raised. |
HomeMapRFullAlarm | hmf | Timestamp when Installation Directory Full alarm was raised. |
hostname | hn | The host name. In the output for the clientsonly
option, this is the hostname where the client is running. |
id | id | The node ID. |
IncorrectTopologyAlarm | ita | Timestamp when Incorrect Topology alarm was raised. |
InstanceMismatch | nanim | Timestamp when Instance Mismatch alarm was raised. |
Insufficient memory for buckets | tbwarning | Timestamp when Tiny Bucket Flush alarm was raised. |
ip | ip | A list of IP addresses associated with the node. In the output for
the clientsonly option, this is the IP address of the
host where the client is running. |
isFips | isFips | The FIPS status of a node:
JobHistoryServerDown | nasjhsd | Timestamp when "Job History Server Down" alarm was raised. |
jt-heartbeat | jhb | Time since the last heartbeat to the JobTracker, in seconds. |
labels | lbl | Labels associated with a node. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels. |
lasthb | lhb | Time since the last heartbeat from the client host. |
LogLevelAlarm | lla | Timestamp when Excess Logs alarm was raised. |
MapRfs disks | nmd | Number of disks for use by file system |
MemoryAllocationAlarm | maa | Timestamp when Memory Allocation alarm was raised. |
MemorySwapping | nams | Timestamp when Memory Usage alarm was raised. |
mtotal | mt | Total memory, in MB. |
mused | mu | Memory used, in MB. |
NodeDuplicateHostIdAlarm | ndh | Timestamp when Duplicate Host ID alarm was raised. |
NodeManagerDown | nanmd | Timestamp when "Node Manager Down" alarm was raised. |
NodeMaprUserMismatchAlarm | nma | Timestamp when MapR User Mismatch alarm was raised. |
NodeNoHeartbeatAlarm | nha | Timestamp when No Heartbeat alarm was raised. |
NodeTooManyContainersAlarm | nmc | Timestamp when Node Too Many Containers alarm was raised. |
NoDiskAttached | nanda | Timestamp when No Disk Attached alarm was raised. |
numInstances | ni | Number of configured file system instances. |
numReportedInstances | nri | The number of running instances reported by file system to CLDB. |
numResyncSlots | nrs | The number of resync slots. |
numGetsInLastTenSeconds | ngl10s | Number of table get operations in last 10 seconds. |
numGetsInLastMinute | ngl1m | Number of table get operations in last 1 minute. |
numGetsInLastFiveMinutes | ngl5m | Number of table get operations in last 5 minutes. |
numGetsInLastFifteenMinutes | ngl15m | Number of table get operations in last 15 minutes. |
numPutsInLastTenSeconds | npl10s | Number of table put operations in last 10 seconds. |
numPutsInLastMinute | npl1m | Number of table put operations in last 1 minute. |
numPutsInLastFiveMinutes | npl5m | Number of table put operations in last 5 minutes |
numPutsInLastFifteenMinutes | npl15m | Number of table put operations in last 15 minutes. |
numScansInLastTenSeconds | nsl10s | Number of table scan operations in last 10 seconds. |
numScansInLastMinute | nsl1m | Number of table scan operations in last 1 minute. |
numScansInLastFiveMinutes | nsl5m | Number of table scan operations in last 5 minutes. |
numScansInLastFifteenMinutes | nsl15m | Number of table scan operations in last 15 minutes. |
PamMisconfiguredAlarm | pma | PAM misconfigured alarm (NODE_ALARM_PAM_MISCONFIGURED):
ResourceManagerDown | narmd | Timestamp when "Resource Manager Down" alarm is raised. |
RootPartitionFullAlarm | rpf | Timestamp when Root Partition Full alarm was raised. |
rpcin | rpi | RPC bytes received since the last heartbeat. |
rpcout | rpo | RPC bytes sent since the last heartbeat. |
rpcs | rpc | Number of RPCs since the last heartbeat. |
service | svc |
A comma-separated list of services running on the node:
ServiceBeeswaxDownNotRunningAlarm | sbwa | Timestamp when "Beeswax Service Down" alarm was raised. |
ServiceCLDBDownNotRunningAlarm | sca | Timestamp when CLDB alarm was raised. |
ServiceFileserverDownNotRunningAlarm | sfsa | Timestamp when Fileserver alarm was raised. |
ServiceHiveDownNotRunningAlarm | shsma | Timestamp when HiveMeta Service Down alarm was raised. |
ServiceHoststatsDownNotRunningAlarm | sha | Timestamp when Hoststats alarm was raised. |
ServiceHs2DownNotRunningAlarm | shsa | Timestamp when HS2 Service Down alarm was raised. |
ServiceHttpfsDownNotRunningAlarm | shfsa | Timestamp when "Httpfs Service Down" alarm is raised. |
ServiceHueDownNotRunningAlarm | shuea | Timestamp when "Hue Service Down" alarm was raised. |
ServiceNFSDownNotRunningAlarm | sna | Timestamp when NFS alarm was raised. |
ServicesWebserverDownNotRunningAlarm | swa | Timestamp when Webserver alarm was raised. |
spsPerInstance | nsp | Number of storage pools per file server instance. |
TimeSkewAlarm | tsa | Timestamp when Time Skew alarm was raised. |
racktopo | rp | The rack path. |
uptime | cpt | Date when the node came up. |
utilization | cpu | CPU use percentage since the last heartbeat. |
VersionMismatchAlarm | vma | Timestamp when Version alarm was raised. |
vip | vip | The virtuap IP address |