file tierstatus

Checks the status of the file offload operation and returns information on whether or not the file has any local data.

This command does not require a MAST Gateway.


maprcli file tierstatus 
         -name <file_name>
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
name The name (including the path) of the file.


The output of this command varies based on whether or not data is local, was offloaded, or was recalled. The output returns one of the following messages:

  • Data was completely offloaded:
    File does not have local data
  • Data could not be completely offloaded or data was recalled:
    File has local data
  • File is not configured for tiering:
    File is not on a tiered volume


Retrieve the status of file named new2test4 in volume name testvol2:

maprcli file tierstatus -name /testvol2/new2test4 -json
 File does not have local data.
        "timeofday":"2018-01-01 11:26:28.773 GMT-0800",
                    "message":"File does not have local data."
Send a request of type GET. For example:
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
 {"timestamp":1514877988773,"timeofday":"2018-01-01 11:26:28.773 GMT-0800","status":"OK","total":1,
  "data":[{"status":1,"message":"File does not have local data."}]}

Retrieve the status of file named new2test3 in volume named testvol2:

maprcli file tierstatus -name /testvol2/new2test3 -json
 File has local data.
        "timeofday":"2018-01-01 11:27:01.374 GMT-0800",
                    "message":"File has local data."
Send a request of type GET. For example:
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
 {"timestamp":1514878021374,"timeofday":"2018-01-01 11:27:01.374 GMT-0800","status":"OK","total":1,
  "data":[{"status":0,"message":"File has local data."}]}

Retrieve the status of file named file0 in volume named dir1 inside a volume called std_volume:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierstatus -name /std_volume/dir1/file0 -json
  File is not on a tiered volume.
  "timeofday":"2021-01-04 11:22:17.961 GMT-0800 PM",
             "desc":"File is not on a tiered volume."
Send a request of type GET. For example:
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>