Configuring the Tez UI (Tomcat) to be Managed by Warden

This section describes how to use manual steps to configure and verify that the Tez UI (Apache Tomcat) is managed by Warden.

Using the Installer to install Tez configures the Tez UI to be managed by Warden by default.


Before continuing, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • Hive and Tez are installed on the node.
  • You have completed all of the tasks described under Hive-on-Tez User Interface.
  • The Tez UI is up and running and functioning properly.

Manually Configure the Tez UI Server

To manually configure the Tez UI server so that it can be managed by Warden and the Control System, copy and rename the warden.tezui.conf.template file in the Tez conf dir:
mv /opt/mapr/tez/tez-<version>/conf/warden.tezui.conf.template /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/warden.tezui.conf

Verify that the Tez UI Is Managed by Warden

After configuration, to verify that the Tez UI is managed by Warden, you can try using the Tez UI directly, or use the command line to check the list of open files (specify port 9383 or 9393):
lsof -i:<port> 
The following example shows that the Tomcat service is running:
lsof -i:9383
java    31580 mapr   56u  IPv6 271941      0t0  TCP *:9383 (LISTEN)

Use maprcli Commands to Stop, Start, or Restart the Tez UI

The following maprcli commands help you manage the Tomcat server. Use these commands to confirm that you can manage the Tez UI through the maprcli. You can also use these commands to stop, start, or restart the Tomcat server after configuration changes.

To stop node services for the Tez UI:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name tezui -action stop -nodes <tez_ui_node_name>
To start node services for the Tez UI:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name tezui -action start -nodes <tez_ui_node_name>
To restart node services for the Tez UI:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name tezui -action restart -nodes <tez_ui_node_name>

Use the Control System Commands to Stop, Start, or Restart the Tez UI

In the Control System, the procedure is generally the same for stopping, starting, and restarting the Tez UI:
  1. Log in to the Control System and click Services to display the list of services on the cluster.
  2. Click one of the following icons for the Tez UI service:
    • To stop the service, click .
    • To start the service, click .
    • To restart the service, click .