Preparing to Upgrade the Ecosystem Pack

Complete these pre-upgrade steps for each ecosystem component in the EEP that you want to upgrade.

For the components provided in each EEP, see the EEP Release Notes.

These steps are intended primarily for ecosystem-component upgrades performed manually (without the Installer). However, you need to perform some pre-upgrade steps even if you are upgrading using the Installer.

Stopping each service is optional if you are using the Installer because the Installer stops all services before upgrading. But the Installer does NOT back up configuration files.

Regardless of the upgrade method that you use, follow the pre-upgrade steps for backing up your configuration files before upgrading. The upgrade process replaces your current configuration files with new configuration files that contain default values for the release to which are upgrading. Any custom settings are lost and must be migrated manually as part of the post-upgrade steps.