Pre-Upgrade Steps for NiFi

Complete the following steps before you upgrade NiFi with or without the Installer.

About this task

Logic to preserve the user configuration is built into NiFi. During an upgrade, all files from the previous version directory, are automatically copied to a directory with the name of the previous version and timestamp. Configuration and user flows are automatically migrated to the new version. To begin the upgrade process:


  1. Stop the NiFi service using the following command:
    maprcli node services -name nifi -action stop -nodes <hostname>
  2. Optional: Create a backup copy of any configuration files that contain customized values. This step is applicable if you are upgrading with the Installer or upgrading manually:
    1. Find the configuration files located in /opt/mapr/nifi/nifi-<version>/conf/.
    2. Copy any files that you want to back up to another location. If you plan to upgrade by using the Installer, copy files to a location that is outside the installation directory. After upgrading, you can reapply changes to the updated NiFi installation using the backup.