Post-Upgrade Steps for Tez

Complete the following steps after you upgrade Tez with or without theInstaller.

About this task

After a minor version update, for example from Tez-0.9-1808 to Tez-0.9-1901, no changes to the user configuration, tez-site.xml file, are applied. To apply the latest changes manually, see the Tez Release Notes.


  1. (Optional) Migrate any custom configuration settings into the new default files in the /opt/mapr/tez/tez-<old version>/conf/ directory.
  2. Reconfigure the Hive-on-Tez User Interface. This is necessary because the old tomcat folder gets removed from the cluster during the upgrade procedure. For details, see Hive-on-Tez User Interface.
  3. If you are using the Installer, no additional steps are required. For manual installation, you need to configure Hive and Tez. See Configuring Hive and Tez.
After updating Tez, or installing it with the UI Installer, you might get the following exception during Hive - HBase integration. java.lang.RuntimeException: Error occurred while instantiating com.mapr.fs.hbase.MapRTableMappingRules.
To resolve this error, change the tez.lib.uris property in the file tez-site.xml with the value shown here: