Data Tiering
Describes data tiering for efficient data access and data storage.
Data that is active and frequently accessed is considered as hot data. Data that is rarely accessed is consideredcold data.
Hot data, and cold data is identified based on the rules and policies set by the administrator.
The mechanism used to store hot data is referred to as the hot-tier (or the data fabric cluster), and the mechanism to store cold data is referred to as the cold tier (or low-cost storage alternative on the cloud).
Data starts off as hot when it is first written to local storage (on the data fabric cluster). It becomes cold based on the rules and policies the administrator configures.
Data can be set up to be automatically offloaded using the data fabric automated storage tiering (MAST) Gateway service to the low-cost storage alternative on the third party cloud object store (cold tier) like S3.
The mechanism used to store hot data is referred to as the hot-tier that is nothing but the fabric storage or volumes. The mechanism to store cold data is referred to as the cold tier (or low-cost storage alternative on the cloud).