Hive - 2404 (EEP 9.2.2) Release Notes

The following notes relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Hive. You may also be interested in the Apache Hive-3.1.3 Release Notes and the Apache Hive homepage.
Hive Version
Release Date April 2024
HPE Version Interoperability See Hive and HCatalog Support Matrix and Ecosystem Support Matrix and EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts
Package Names Navigate to, and select your EEP(MEP) and OS to view the list of package names.
Hive 3.1.3 works with the following HPE Hive drivers:

For additional driver information, see Connecting to HiveServer2.

Feature support

The following list describes support of various components and functionality with Hive - 2404:

  • Supports Hive-3.1.3 on Tez-0.10.2 For more information, see Tez - 2301 (EEP 9.1.0) Release Notes.

  • Does not support Hive on Spark. You cannot use Spark as a query engine for Hive. However, you can run Hive and Spark on the same cluster. You can also use Spark SQL and Drill to query Hive tables.

  • Does not support HDFS encryption in Hive tables.

  • Does not support LLAP with Hive-3.1.3 because Apache Slider is not an HPE supported ecosystem component.

  • Starting from Hive 2.1, Hive must run the schematool command as an initialization step.

  • Starting from EEP 9.1.0, you can enable Hive to work with JDK 17. See Considerations for JDK 17.

  • Starting from EEP 9.0.0, Data Fabric supports Ranger, which can be integrated with HiveServer2. For more information, see Integrating HiveServer2 with Ranger.

New in This Release

Hive - 2404 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • None.


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:

GitHub Commit Number Data (YYYY-MM-DD) HPE Fix Number and Description
64179be3f8 2024-04-01 EEP-HIVE-1489: Backport HIVE-22527
7dcc2e9500 2024-03-26 EEP-HIVE-1491: Update Hive libs to resolve CVEs
b3d5655a2e 2024-03-13 EEP-HIVE-1488: Grouping sets size cannot be greater than 64
930f93fc4c 2024-03-05 EEP-HIVE-1485: fix MIN/MAX UDAF failure for specific cases
2ce7edb9ef 2024-02-22 EEP-HIVE-1476: fix logic for MapJoin to BucketMapJoin conversion
dec91650fb 2024-02-20 EEP-HIVE-1486: expand datatype for PARAM_VALUE column type in PARTITION_PARAMS metastore table

Known Issues and Limitations

See Considerations for Hive on JDK 17.