Viewing the list of Snapshots

Describes how to view the list of snapshots that are present on a cluster, using the Control System or the CLI.

About this task

You can view the snapshots on the cluster using the Control System or the CLI.

Viewing All the Snapshots Using the Control System


The Snapshots tab under the Data > Volumes page displays all the snapshots on the cluster.
When running on a Kubernetes cluster, the Snapshots tab is under the Volumes page that is under the Volumes menu.
For each snapshot, you can view the following:
Column Name Column Description
Snapshot Name The name of the snapshot.
Volume The volume with which the snapshot is associated.
Created On The date when the snapshot was created.
Expires On The date when the snapshot expires.
Reclaim Size Disk space (in MB) used/owned by the snapshot
You can select one or more snapshots to:

Viewing the Snapshots Associated with a Volume Using the Control System


Log in to the Control System and go to the Snapshots tab in the volume information page.
The list of snapshots associated with the volume displays in this tab. For each snapshot, the pane displays the following:
Column Name Column Description
Snapshot Name The name of the snapshot.
Volume The volume with which the snapshot is associated.
Created On The date when the snapshot was created.
Expires On The date when the snapshot expires.
Reclaim Size Disk space (in MB) used/owned by the snapshot
You can create a snapshot of the volume or select one or more snapshots to:

Viewing Snapshots Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to retrieve a list of snapshots is:

maprcli volume snapshot list

For complete reference information, see volume snapshot list.