file tierjobstatus

Checks the status of a previous offload or recall operation.

Permissions Required

The user running the command must have (mode bit or Access Control Expression (ACE)) permissions to write to the file.


/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus 
            -name <file_name>
            [ -job <jobID> ]
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
name The name (including the path) of the file.
job The ID of the job specified with the offload or recall command.


The command returns one of the following messages:
Indicates that the file tiering operation was successful. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus  -name /v5/nfile2 -json
    "timeofday":"2018-08-06 04:31:33.521 GMT-0700 AM",
               "message":"File offload completed.",
curl -X GET '' -- user <username>:<password>
 {"timestamp":1533555093521,"timeofday":"2018-08-06 04:31:33.521 GMT-0700 AM","status":"OK","total":1,
 "data":[{"status":0,"message":"File offload completed.","gateway":"","op":"Offload",
Indicates that the operation failed. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /volume_cold_aws/sampleFile2 -json
   "timeofday":"2018-08-10 02:41:24.242 GMT-0700 PM",
               "desc":"File offload failed."
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
 {"timestamp":1533937284242,"timeofday":"2018-08-10 02:41:24.242 GMT-0700 PM","status":"ERROR",
 "errors":[{"id":2,"desc":"File offload failed."}]}
Indicates that the specified file does not exist. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /ecvol1/file3_24 -json
    "timeofday":"2018-08-13 12:24:10.720 GMT-0700 PM",
               "desc":"Tierfile transfer failed, Could not open file /ecvol1/file3_24"
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
  {"timestamp":1534188250720,"timeofday":"2018-08-13 12:24:10.720 GMT-0700 PM","status":"ERROR",
  "errors":[{"id":3,"desc":"Tierfile transfer failed, Could not open file /ecvol1/file3_24"}]}
Indicates that the file contains no data and is empty. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /vol1/test1 -json
  "timeofday":"2018-08-12 11:20:20.360 GMT-0700 PM",
             "desc":"File empty."
curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
 {"timestamp":1534142083085,"timeofday":"2018-08-12 11:34:43.085 GMT-0700 PM","status":"ERROR",
 "errors":[{"id":5,"desc":"File empty."}]}
Indicates that there is no MAST Gateway available. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /ecvol1/file2 -json
  "timeofday":"2018-08-13 11:46:24.585 GMT-0700 AM",
               "desc":"Lost connection to gateway."
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1534185984585,"timeofday":"2018-08-13 11:46:24.585 GMT-0700 AM","status":"ERROR",
  "errors":[{"id":6,"desc":"Lost connection to gateway."}]}
Indicates that the data is still on the cluster. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /vol1/mfs1 -json
  File has local data.
    "timeofday":"2018-08-12 11:30:20.011 GMT-0700 PM",
                 "message":"File has local data."
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1534141975490,"timeofday":"2018-08-12 11:32:55.490 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK",
  "total":1,"data":[{"status":8,"message":"File has local data."}]}
Indicates that the file tiering operation was aborted. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /v3/dataVol/file5 -json
   "timeofday":"2018-08-09 01:04:40.525 GMT-0700 PM",
            "message":"Transfer aborted.",
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1533845080525,"timeofday":"2018-08-09 01:04:40.525 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK",
  "total":1,"data":[{"status":9,"message":"Transfer aborted.","gateway":"",
Indicates that the file tiering operation is being aborted. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /v3/dataVol/file5 -json
   "timeofday":"2018-08-09 01:03:24.549 GMT-0700 PM",
              "message":"File transfer being aborted.",
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1533845004549,"timeofday":"2018-08-09 01:03:24.549 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK",
  "total":1,"data":[{"status":10,"message":"File transfer being aborted.","gateway":"",
Indicates that offload or recall of file data is currently in progress. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /v3/dataVol/file5 -json
   "timeofday":"2018-08-09 01:02:45.363 GMT-0700 PM",
              "message":"File transfer in progress.",
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1533844965363,"timeofday":"2018-08-09 01:02:45.363 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK",
  "total":1,"data":[{"status":11,"message":"File transfer in progress.","gateway":"",
Indicates that the file is queued for offload. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /v5/egFile2 -json
    "timeofday":"2018-08-13 12:19:48.469 GMT-0700 PM",
               "message":"File transfer request queued.",
curl -k -X GET '' --uesr mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1534187988469,"timeofday":"2018-08-13 12:19:48.469 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK",
  "total":1,"data":[{"status":12,"message":"File transfer request queued.","gateway":"",
Indicates that the job ID associated with the specified file tiering operation is not available or is invalid. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /v5/nfile2 -json
   "timeofday":"2018-08-09 12:13:13.320 GMT-0700 PM",
                "desc":"File has no active transfer in progress."
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
 {"timestamp":1533841993320,"timeofday":"2018-08-09 12:13:13.320 GMT-0700 PM","status":"ERROR",
  "errors":[{"id":13,"desc":"File has no active transfer in progress."}]}
Indicates that the user cannot perform the tiering operation. For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli file tierjobstatus -name /ecvol1/file3_1 -json
    "timeofday":"2018-08-13 12:29:58.543 GMT-0700 PM",
                 "desc":"File transfer request permission denied."
curl -k -X GET '' --user mapr:mapr
  {"timestamp":1534188598543,"timeofday":"2018-08-13 12:29:58.543 GMT-0700 PM","status":"ERROR",
   "errors":[{"id":14,"desc":"File transfer request permission denied."}]}