kafkatopic list

Lists existing Kafka topics.


Ensure that the mapr-kafka package is installed on the server node, before running the kafkatopic list command. When mapr-kafka package is not installed, the following error is encountered: Command execution failed! 'kafkatopic' commands requires 'mapr-kafka' package.

The maprcli command lists existing Kafka topics in a cluster/fabric.

$ maprcli kafkatopic list [-topicregex <regular expression>]


Parameter Description
-topicregex regular expression to filter topic names for topic listing. This is an optional parameter.


Verify the existing topics with the maprcli kafkatopic list command.

$ maprcli kafkatopic list
owner  partitions   volume   size   topic      compression   ttl    
root   1            false    100    day_temp   lz4           604800
root   4            false    256    nght_temp  off           604800

List topics with name starting with dayT.

Use single quotes or double quotes to enclose special Linux shell characters such as . or * on the command line. The kafkatopic list command returns inaccurate results if you use special Linux shell characters in the regular expression, without enclosing the regular expression in quotes.
$ maprcli kafkatopic list -topicregex "dayT.*"
owner  partitions  ownvolume  size  topic          compression  ttl     
root   1           false      20    dayTemp2305    lz4          604800  
root   1           false      20    dayTemp2405    lz4          604800  
root   1           false      20    dayTemp2505    lz4          604800  
root   1           false      20    dayTemp2605    lz4          604800  
root   1           false      20     dayTemp2705   lz4          604800