s3keys generate

Generates access and secret keys for IAM users to access the Object Store.


maprcli s3keys generate	
 [ -cluster cluster_name ]
 -domainname <domain_name>
 -accountname <account_name>
 [ -username <user_name> ]
REST http[s]://<host>:<port>/rest/s3keys/generate?<parameters>


Parameter Description
cluster The cluster on which to create the access and secret keys. The default is the current cluster.
domainname The domain to which the user belongs. This parameter is mandatory.
accountname The account to which the domain belongs. This parameter is mandatory.
username The user for which to generate the keys. If not specified, the logged-in user is taken as the user to generate the keys.


To work properly, the maprcli s3keys generate command requires a quorum of the CLDB s3server modules. If you run the command before the quorum is formed, the command can generate an error. To check the quorum status, use the maprcli dump cldbstate --json command. The dump output should indicate that the primary and secondary s3server modules are running.
Generate the access and secret keys for the mapr user in the default account and primary domain.
maprcli s3keys generate -domainname primary  -accountname default -username mapr -json
    "timeofday":"2021-10-06 06:40:39.908 GMT-0700 AM",