table cf delete

Deletes a column family from a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database binary table or JSON table. Deletion cannot be undone.

As of release 6.0, a column family cannot be deleted from a JSON table.

Permissions Required

To run this command, your user ID must have the following permissions:

The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database does not allow the mapr user to run this command unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.


maprcli table cf delete
  -path <path>
  -cfname <name>
curl -k -X POST 
  -u <username>:<password>
The mapr user is not treated as a superuser. HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database does not allow the mapr user to run this command unless that user is given the relevant permission or permissions with access-control expressions.


Parameter Description

The path to the table.

  • For a path on the local cluster, start the path at the volume mount point. For example, for a table named test under volume1 which has a mount point at /volume1, specify the following path: /volume1/test
  • For a path on a remote cluster, you must also specify the cluster name in the path. For example, for a table named test under volume1 in the sanfrancisco cluster, specify the following path:/mapr/sanfrancisco/volume1/customer

The name of the column family to delete.

In JSON tables, it is not possible to delete column families in addition to the default column family.


Deletes a column family mycf from table thetable:

maprcli table cf delete -path /volume1/thetable -cfname mycf
curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -u <username>:<password>