virtualip edit

Edits a virtual IP (VIP) range. Permissions required: fc or a.


maprcli virtualip edit
    [ -cluster <cluster> ]
    [ -macs <MAC addresses> ] 
    -netmask <netmask>
    -virtualip <virtualip>
    [ -virtualipend <virtual IP range end> ]
    [ -preferredmac <MAC address> ]
    [ -service nfs3|nfs4 ]
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter Description
cluster The cluster on which to run the command.
macs A list of the MAC addresses that represent the NICs on the nodes to which the VIPs in the VIP range can be associated. Use this list to limit VIP assignment to NICs on a particular subnet when your NFS server is part of multiple subnets.
netmask The netmask of the virtual IP.
preferredmac The preferred MAC for this virtual IP. When a NFS server restarts, the Data Fabric system attempts to move all of the virtual IP addresses that list a MAC address on this node as a preferred MAC to this node. If the new value is null, this parameter resets the preferred MAC value.
service The service to which the VIPs need to be assigned. The Value can be one of the following:
  • nfs3 — for NFSv3
  • nfs4 — for NFSv4
The default value is nfs3. You must specify the MAC addresses (macs) with this option.
virtualip The virtual IP, or the start of the virtual IP range.
virtualipend The end of the virtual IP range.


maprcli virtualip edit   
              -cluster mycluster.402.source  
              -macs "09:0C:29:3C:47:AB 00:0c:29:9e:96:15"  
curl -X POST '' --user <username>:<password>
maprcli virtualip edit   
                     -cluster mycluster.402.source  
                     -macs "09:0C:29:3C:47:AB 00:0c:29:9e:96:15"  
curl -X POST '' --user <username>:<password>