Specifying Volume Inheritance Using the CLI

Lists volume properties that can be inherited from other volumes.

Volumes can be mounted using the web console, the maprcli commands (volume create or volume mount), or the REST commands. If the mount point is specified while creating a volume, new volumes can inherit properties from the parent volume. Mirror volumes can also inherit properties from the source volume of the mirror.

Volume inheritance is a convenience that can only be used during volume creation.

The maprcli volume modify command can be used to change the volume inheritance settings of a volume. That is, you can toggle the flag (associated with allowgrant) that indicates whether a volume, as a parent volume, wants its properties to be inherited by default or not. When creating and mounting a volume, the location of the mount point can be specified using the path parameter. The volume that is last in the path parameter is referred to as the parent volume. (The parent volume is the volume on which the volume link is created.)

Inheritance applies during volume creation only. If the settings in the parent volume is modified after the child volumes are created, these modified properties do not propagate to the child volumes.


The following table shows the list of inheritable parameters that are (Yes) and are not (No) inherited by a:

  • Mirror volume from the source volume on the same cluster
  • Mirror volume from the source volume on a different cluster
All (non-mirror) volumes inherit all the inheritable properties from the parent volume. For more information on the properties, refer to volume create parameters.
Inheritable Properties (which are inherited by non-mirror volumes by default) Inherited by Mirror Volume on the same cluster as the source volume? Inherited by Mirror Volume on a different cluster from the source volume?
advisoryquota Yes Yes
ae Yes No
aetype Yes No
allowgrant Yes Yes
allowinherit Yes Yes
auditenabled Yes Yes
coalesce Yes Yes
dare Yes Yes1, No2
dataauditops Yes Yes
dbindexlagsecalarmthresh Yes Yes
dbrepllagsecalarmthresh Yes Yes
enforcementMode Yes Yes
ecscheme Yes No
ectopology Yes No
group Yes Yes
inherit Yes Yes
localvolumehost No No
localvolumeport No No
maxinodesalarmthreshold Yes Yes
minreplication Yes Yes
mirrorschedule Yes No
mirrorthrottle Yes Yes
nsminreplication Yes Yes
nsreplication Yes Yes
ofloadschedule Yes No
quota Yes Yes
readonly Yes Yes
recallexpirytime Yes No
replication Yes Yes
replicationtype Yes Yes
rereplicationtimeoutsec Yes Yes
rootdirperms Yes Yes
schedule Yes3 No
securitypolicy Yes Yes
source Yes Yes
tierencryption Yes No
tieringenable Yes No
tieringrule Yes No
tierkey Yes No
tiername4 Yes No
topology Yes No
type Yes Yes
user Yes Yes
wiresecurityenabled Yes Yes
  • 1 If destination cluster is also enabled for data-at-rest encryption, dare setting is inherited by the mirror volume on the destination cluster.
  • 2 If destination cluster is not enabled for data-at-rest encryption, dare setting is not inherited by the mirror volume on the destination cluster.
  • 3 If schedule keyword is specified with the skipinherit parameter, schedule(s) are not inherited while inheriting volume properties from the source volume.
  • 4 If tiername keyword is specified with the skipinherit parameter:
    • The tiering properties are not inherited by the mirror volume while inheriting volume properties from the tiering-enabled source volume.
    • For volumes enabled for warm-tier, the backend erasure-coded volume is not created.