Viewing Volume Information

Describes how to view volume information using either the Control System or the CLI.

About this task

You can retrieve and view volume information using either the Control System or the CLI.


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the Summary tab in the Data > Volumes page.
    The Summary tab is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
  2. Click the volume name in the Volumes pane.
    The volume information page displays. On this page, you can perform the following actions based on the type of the volume.
    Standard Volume
    Click the Select Action drop-down menu to:
    Mirror Volume
    Click the Select Action drop-down menu to:
    Tiering Volume
    Click the Select Action drop-down menu to:
    The page displays tabs for viewing:
    • Summary of the volume including:
      • All recent and active volume alarms
      • Metrics (such as disk usage) for the volume
      • Volume details such as the general, auditing, and tiering settings for the volume, ACLs and ACEs on the volume, and volume quotas and schedules
      • Labels associated with the volume
    • Snapshots associated with the volume