Terminating a Running Volume-Level Tiering Job

Describes how to terminate a volume-level tiering job using either the Control System or the CLI.

About this task

You can terminate an ongoing offload or recall of a volume using the Control System or the CLI. Terminating a running:

  • Offload operation does not prevent future offloads; if a schedule is associated with the volume, data that is still on the cluster is automatically offloaded based on the rules as per schedule. You can also manually offload data again at any time by running the volume offload command.
  • Recall operation does not prevent future recalls; you can run the recall command again to recall the remaining data on the tier. Based on the expiry time set on the volume (associated with the recalled data), recalled data is offloaded if there are changes or purged if there are no changes. See Recalling a Volume to file system for more information.

You can check the status of an abort operation using the volume tierjobstatus command.

If you terminate a job that CLDB was retrying after a prior failed attempt (FailureRetriable job), CLDB will stop trying to run the job again. For more information on FailureRetriable job, see Retrying Failed Operation.

For information on terminating a file-level job, see Terminating a Running File-Level Tiering Job and Running Tiering Commands when maprcli and hadoop Commands are not Available.

Terminating a Volume Offload or Recall Operation Using the Control System


  1. Log in to the Control System and click Data > Volumes.
    The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
  2. Select the tiered volumes to offload from the list of volumes in the Volumes pane.
    Selecting a volume makes the Actions drop-down menu available.
  3. Click Terminate Tiering Job from the Actions drop-down menu to display the Terminate Tiering Job confirmation window.
  4. Review the list of volumes and click Terminate Job.

Aborting Volume Offload or Recall Operation Using the CLI and REST API

About this task

Run the following command to abort a running offload or recall operation:
maprcli volume tierjobterminate -name <volName>
For more information, see volume tierjobterminate.
Send a request of type POST. For example:
curl -X POST 'https://<host>:8443/rest/volume/tierjobterminate?name=<volName>' --user <username>:<password>