Viewing the List of Volumes

Explains how to view the list of volumes either through the Control Panel or the CLI.

Viewing All the Volumes Using the Control System


Log in to the Control Panel and click Data > Volumes > Summary..
The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
The Volumes pane in the Summary tab (under Data > Volumes) displays the volumes in the cluster.
By default, system volumes are not displayed. If you wish to view system volumes also, select the Include System Volumes checkbox.

If you are in another view, select All Volumes from the drop-down menu in the Volumes pane. Up to 10 volumes, sorted by name, are displayed in each page. For each volume, the pane displays the following information, by default:

Column Name Column Description
Volumes The name of the volume (used for default sorting).
Data Tiering Whether volume is enabled or disabled for data tiering.
Alarms The number of alarms associated with the volume. Hover the cursor over the number for information on the alarm including alarm name, severity, and time when the alarm was raised.
Mnt Specifies whether () volume is mounted.
Type The type of volume. Both standard and mirror volumes are displayed.
Mount Path The path where the volume is mounted.
Creator The user or group that owns the volume.
Quota The amount of disk space allocated and utilized by the volume and associated snapshots and the cluster reserve limit (in red). If quota is not set, displays option to Set Quota.
Total Size The total physical size of the volume and associated snapshots. When you move the cursor over the value, the popover shows the total logical size (Data Size), the logical size of the volume (Volume Size), and the logical size of the snapshots (Snapshot Size).
RF The replication factor that specifies the number of copies for the volume.
Physical Topology The rack path to the volume.
You can sort the list by volume name, mount, mount path, or creator.

Selecting the checkbox beside a volume makes the Actions drop-down menu available. From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:

  • Edit the selected volume(s)
  • Remove the selected volume(s)
  • Create snapshot(s) of the selected volume
  • Change the selected mirror volume(s) to standard volume(s)
  • Start the mirroring operation(s) for the selected mirror volume(s)
  • Stop the mirroring operation(s) for the selected mirror volume(s)
  • Mount the selected volume(s)
  • Unmount the selected volume(s)
  • Offload selected volume(s)
  • Recall selected volume(s)
  • Abort currently running tiering job for selected volume(s)

Viewing the List of Standard Volumes Using the Control System

About this task

The Volumes pane in the Summary tab under Data > Volumes (under Volumes in the Kubernetes version of the Control System) displays all the volumes in the cluster by default. To view a list of only the standard volumes:


Select Standard Volumes from the drop-down menu in the Volumes pane.
The list of standard volumes in the cluster displays. By default, the list is sorted by volume name. For each volume, the page displays the following information by default:
Column Name Description
Volumes The name of the volume (used for default sorting).
Alarms The number of alarms associated with the volume. You can view the Active Alarms pane for more information on the alarms associated with a volume.
Mnt Specifies whether the volume is mounted.
Type The type of volume. Only standard volumes are displayed.
Mount Path The path where the volume is mounted.
Data Tiering Whether volume is enabled or disabled for data tiering.
Creator The user or group that owns the volume.
Quota The amount of disk space allocated and utilized by the volume and associated snapshots and the reserve limit (in red). If quota is not set, displays option to Set Quota.
Total Size The size of the volume and associated snapshots.
RF The replication factor that specifies the number of copies for the volume.
Physical Topology The rack path to the volume.
Selecting the checkbox beside a volume makes the Actions drop-down menu available. From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:

Viewing the List of Mirror Volumes Using the Control System

About this task

The Volumes pane in the Summary tab under Data > Volumes (under Volumes in the Kubernetes version of the Control System) displays the list of (both) standard and mirror volumes in the cluster by default. To view a list of only the mirror volumes:


Select Mirror Volumes from the drop-down menu in the Volumes pane.
The list of mirror volumes in the cluster displays. By default, the list is sorted by volume name and the following columns are displayed:
Column Name Description
Volumes The name of the volume (used for default sorting).
Alarms The number of alarms associated with the volume. You can view the Active Alarms pane (above) for more information on the alarms associated with a volume.
Mnt Specifies whether the volume is mounted.
Source Volume The source volume name for the mirror volume.
Source Cluster The source cluster name for the mirror volume.
Originating Cluster The originating cluster for the data being mirrored.
Originating Volume The originating volume for the data being mirrored.
Mirror Status The status of the last mirroring operation.
Percentage Complete The percentage of the in-progress mirroring operation that has been completed.
Data Tiering Whether or not the volume is enabled or disabled for data tiering.
Selecting the checkbox beside a volume makes the Actions drop-down menu available. From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:
  • Edit the selected volume(s)
  • Remove the selected volume(s)
  • Create snapshot(s) of the selected volume
  • Change the mirror volume to a standard volume
  • Start the mirroring operation(s) for the selected mirror volume(s)
  • Stop the mirroring operation(s) for the selected mirror volume(s)
  • Mount the selected volume(s)
  • Unmount the selected volume(s)

Viewing the List of Tiered Volumes Using the Control System

About this task

The Volumes pane in the Summary tab of the Data > Volumes page (under Volumes in the Kubernetes version of the Control System) displays the list of (both) standard and mirror volumes in the cluster by default. To view a list of tiered standard and mirror volumes:


Select Tiered Volumes from the drop-down menu in the Volumes pane.
The list of tiered standard and mirror volumes in the cluster displays. By default, the list is sorted by volume name. For each volume, the pane displays the following information, by default:
Column Name Description
Volumes The name of the volume (used for default sorting).
Offload Tier The name of the tier where the volume data is stored.
Job The tiering operation that is currently running or was last performed on the volume. Value can be one of the following:
  • Offload — if volume data was offloaded or is currently being offloaded
  • Abort — if volume data offload or recall operation was aborted or is being aborted
  • Recall — if volume data was recalled or is being recalled from the tier
State The status of the job.
Progress The job completion percentage.
Start Date/Time The date and time when the job was started.
End Date/Time The date and time when the job completed.
Offload Speed The amount of data (in MB) offloaded or being offloaded per second.
Recall Speed The amount of data (in MB) recalled or being recalled per second.
Selecting the checkbox beside a volume makes the Actions drop-down menu available. From the Actions drop-down menu, you can:
  • Edit selected volume(s)
  • Remove selected volume(s)
  • Create snapshot(s) of selected volume(s)
  • Change the mirror volume to a standard volume
  • Start the mirroring operation(s) for the selected mirror volume(s)
  • Stop the mirroring operation(s) for the selected mirror volume(s)
  • Mount selected volume(s), if they are not already mounted
  • Unmount selected volume(s), if they are currently mounted
  • Offload selected volume(s)
  • Recall selected volume(s)
  • Abort currently running tiering job for selected volume(s)

Retrieving the List of Volumes Using the CLI and REST API

About this task

The basic command to retrieve the list of volumes is:

maprcli volume list

For complete reference information, see volume list.