Unmounting one or more Volumes

Describes how to unmount a volume using either the Control System or the CLI.

About this task

You can unmount multiple volumes using the Control System or the CLI. To unmount volumes under a directory, you must have read/write permissions on the directory.

Unmounting one or more Volumes Using the Control System

About this task

To unmount one or more volumes, in the Summary tab under Data > Volumes:
When running on a Kubernetes cluster, the Summary tab is in the Volumes page under the Volumes menu.


  1. Select the volumes to unmount from the list of volumes in the Volumes pane.
  2. Select Unmount Volume from the Actions drop-down menu.
    The Unmount Volume confirmation dialog displays.
    Only mounted volumes can be unmounted. Volumes that are currently not mounted, if selected, cannot be unmounted.
  3. Verify list of selected volumes.
  4. Click Unmount Volumes to unmount the selected volumes.

Unmounting one or more Volumes Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to unmount the volume is:

maprcli volume unmount -name <volume name>

For complete reference information including all available options, see volume unmount.