Creating Volume Snapshots

Describes how to create snapshots of volumes using the Control System and the CLI.

About this task

You can create a snapshot manually using the Control System and the CLI, or use a schedule to automate snapshot creation.

The maximum number of snapshots that you can create for each volume is 4092. Exceeding this limit raises the snapshot failure alarm with an appropriate entry in the CLDB logs.

Creating Snapshots of Multiple Volumes Using the Control System

About this task

To create snapshots of multiple (standard and/or mirror) volumes manually:


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the Summary tab in the Data > Volumes page.
    When running on a Kubernetes cluster, the Summary tab is on the Volumes page.
  2. Select the volume(s) for which you need to create the snapshots.
  3. Click Snapshot Volume from the Actions drop-down menu.
    The Snapshot Volume(s) confirmation dialog displays.
  4. Verify the list of volumes and enter a unique name for the snapshot in the New Snapshot Name field.
  5. Click Snapshot Volumes.

Creating a Snapshot of a Volume Using the Control System

About this task

You can create a snapshot manually or use a schedule to automate snapshot creation. To create a snapshot of a volume manually:


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the Snapshots tab in the volume information page.
  2. Click Create Snapshot to display the Create Snapshot window.
  3. Enter a unique name for the snapshot in the New Snapshot Name field.
  4. Click Create Snapshot to create a snapshot of the volume.
    By default, manually created snapshots do not have an expiration date.

Creating Volume Snapshots Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to create a snapshot is:

maprcli volume snapshot create -snapshotname <snapshot> -volume <volume>

For complete reference information, see volume snapshot create.