Preserving one or more Snapshots

Describes how to preserve a snapshot using the volume snapshot preserve command, or using the Control System.

Preserving Snapshots Using the Control System

About this task

You can preserve a snapshot to prevent it from expiring. To preserve one or more snapshots, in the Snapshots tab (under Data > Volumes):
The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu in the Kubernetes version of the Control System.


  1. Select the snapshot(s) you want to preserve.
  2. Click Preserve Snapshot to preserve the snapshot(s).
    The Preserve Snapshot(s) confirmation dialog displays.
  3. Verify the list of snapshots to preserve and click Preserve Snapshots.
    The Expires On column for the selected snapshots will show No Expiration. You cannot set an expiration date for a preserved snapshot; instead, if necessary, remove the preserved snapshot.

Preserving Snapshots Associated with a Volume Using the Control System

About this task

You can preserve a snapshot to prevent it from expiring. To preserve one or more snapshots (and prevent them from expiring) associated with a volume:


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the Snapshots tab in the volume information page.
    The list of snapshots associated with the volume displays.
  2. Select the snapshots to preserve and click Preserve Snapshot.
    The Preserve Snapshot(s) confirmation dialog displays.
  3. Verify the list of snapshots to preserve and click Preserve Snapshots.
    The Expires On column for the selected snapshots will show No Expiration. You cannot set an expiration date for a preserved snapshot; instead, if necessary, remove the preserved snapshot.

Preserving Snapshots Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

The basic command to preserve the snapshots is:

maprcli volume snapshot preserve

For complete reference information, see volume snapshot preserve.