Retrieving Tiering Statistics Using guts

Explains how to use the guts utility to retrieve tiering statistics.

You can run the /opt/mapr/bin/guts utility to get granular information on ongoing offloads and recalls including:

  • The number of objects that are offloaded to and recalled from the tier
  • The number of reads and writes on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database
  • The number of reads and writes on file system


/opt/mapr/bin/guts <argument>:<options>


Argument Description
mastgateway Refers to operations on the MAST Gateway node. See Usage for information on the syntax for running the guts command with this argument.
fstier Refers to operations on file system node. See Usage for information on the syntax for running the guts command with this argument.


Option Description
all Statistics for all operations.
db Statistics for MAST Gateway operations currently running on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database.
mfsops Statistics for MAST Gateway operations on file system.
none Specifies the column(s) to exclude from the output.
tier Statistics for MAST Gateway operations on the storage tier.


MAST Gateway Node
/opt/mapr/bin/guts mastgateway:all
/opt/mapr/bin/guts mastgateway:db
/opt/mapr/bin/guts mastgateway:tier
/opt/mapr/bin/guts mastgateway:mfsops
/opt/mapr/bin/guts mastgateway:none
file system Node
/opt/mapr/bin/guts fstier:all 
/opt/mapr/bin/guts fstier:none
These commands might show statistics for several other fields. To skip, use none with the components whose fields you do not wish to retrieve. For example, to retrieve statistics for only the mastgateway tier, run the following command:
/opt/mapr/bin/guts allocator:none btree:none cache:none cleaner:none client:none cpu:none db:none dbrepl:none disk:none fs:none fstier:none gateway:none io:none kv:none log:none mastgateway:tier net:none nfs:none rpc:none ssd:none streams:none time:none vcd:none


objP Number of objects (whose maximum size is 8MB for cold-tier or whose size is computed based on the erasure coding scheme for warm-tier) that were offloaded to the storage tier.
objG Number of objects (whose size is up to 1 MB for cold-tier and whose size is computed based on the erasure coding scheme for warm-tier) that were recalled from the storage tier.
objD Number of deletions on the tier.
objPM Amount of data (in MB) offloaded per second to the storage tier.
objGM Amount of data (in MB) recalled per second from the storage tier.
tdbP Number of puts on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database tables.
tdbG Number of gets on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database tables.
tdbD Number of deletes on HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database tables.
moR Number of read requests from client to the MAST Gateway service to read from cache volumes.
mp Number of file system purge requests sent by the MAST Gateway service.
mrw Number of file system reads from the MAST Gateway service to perform modify/write operation.
moRM Amount of file system reads (in MB) sent by the MAST Gateway service to read offloaded data.
mrwM Amount of recall writes (in MB) sent by the MAST Gateway service.
tp Number of blocks (of 64KB) purged during an offload operation.
trw Number of blocks (of 64KB) written during recall of offloaded data.
trr Number of blocks (of 64KB) read during read of offloaded data.
twr Number of blocks (of 64KB) recalled for partial overwrites.