Changing a Standard Volume to a Mirror Volume

Describes how to convert a standard volume to a mirror volume.

About this task

You can convert a standard volume to a mirror volume and set it up to mirror one of its associated mirror volumes using the Control System, the CLI, or the REST API.

Changing a Standard Volume to a Mirror Volume Using the Control System


  1. Log in to the Control System and go to the Viewing Volume Details page for the standard volume.
  2. Select Make Mirror Volumes from the Select Action drop-down menu.
    The Mirror Volume confirmation dialog displays.
  3. Select the:
    • Name of the source cluster where the associated mirror volume that the converted volume will mirror, exists.
    • Name of the source volume that the converted volume will mirror, from the list of associated mirror volumes.
    The standard volume, when converted, can only be a mirror of one of its associated mirror volumes.
  4. Click Save Changes for the changes to take effect.
    It might take some time (approximately 10 minutes or so) to convert a standard volume to a mirror volume. You need to wait until the operation is complete before performing other actions.

What to do next

After converting the standard volume to a mirror volume:

  1. Convert the source (mirror) volume to a standard (read/write) volume to prevent a deadlock and to allow writes to continue on the volume.
  2. Associate a mirroring schedule with this volume to ensure that data on this volume is in sync with the source volume.

Changing a Standard Volume to a Mirror Volume Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task


To convert a standard volume to a mirror volume from the CLI, run the maprcli volume modify command with the -type option value set to mirror.

maprcli volume modify -name <volume name> -type mirror
To convert a standard volume to a mirror volume, send a request of type POST. For example:
curl -k -X POST 'https://<hostname>:8443/rest/volume/modify?name=<volName>&type=mirror' --user mapr:mapr
For more information, see volume modify.
It might take some time (approximately 10 minutes or so) to convert a standard volume to a mirror volume. You need to wait until the operation is complete before performing other actions.
After converting the standard volume to a mirror volume:
  1. Convert the source (mirror) volume to a standard (read/write) volume to prevent a deadlock and to allow writes to continue on the volume.
  2. Associate a mirroring schedule with this volume to ensure that data on this volume is in sync with the source volume.