Installing Hive

This topic includes instructions for using package managers to download and install Hive from the EEP repository.


To set up the EEP repository, see Step 11: Install Ecosystem Components Manually.

You can install Hive on a node in the Data Fabric cluster or on a Data Fabric client node. Installation of HiveServer2 (HS2) on a client node is not supported by the Data Fabric platform. If you wish to install HS2 on a client node, note that one or more required JAR files may not be installed during the installation of mapr-client. Copy the following JAR file from a resource manager node to the Data Fabric client node:
X.X.X Refers to the version (for example, hadoop-3.3.4)
YYYY Refers to the release tag of ecosystem component (for example, 2210)

About the Hive Packages

For a list of fixes and new features, see the Hive Release Notes.

Hive is distributed as the following packages:

Package Description
mapr-hive The core Hive package.
mapr-hiveserver2 The Hive package that enables HiveServer2 to be managed by -Warden, allowing you to start and stop HiveServer2 using maprcli or the Data Fabric Control System. The mapr-hive package is a dependency and will be installed if you install mapr-hiveserver2. At installation time, Hiveserver2 is started automatically.
mapr-hivemetastore The Hive package that enables the Hive Metastore to be managed by Warden, allowing you to start and stop Hive Metastore using maprcli or the Data Fabric Control System. The mapr-hive package is a dependency and will be installed if you install mapr-hivemetastore. At installation time, the Hive Metastore is started automatically.
mapr-hivewebhcat The Hive package that enables WebHCat to be managed by Warden, allowing you to start and stop WebHCat using maprcli or the Data Fabric Control System. The mapr-hive package is a dependency and will be installed if you install mapr-hivewebhcat. At installation time, the WebHCat is started automatically.

Make sure the environment variable JAVA_HOME is set correctly. For example:

# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-sun

You can set these system variables by using the shell command line or by updating files such as /etc/profile or ~/.bash_profile. See the Linux documentation for more details about setting system environment variables.

The Data Fabric cluster must be up and running before installing Hive.

Considerations for Ubuntu

On Ubuntu, while configuring the new version of Hive, you could have an issue caused by an incomplete removal of previously installed Hive packages. To avoid this issue, use the purge command for complete removal of all previously installed Hive packages.

Installing the Hive Packages

Execute the following commands as root or using sudo.

  1. On each planned Hive node, install Hive packages:
    • To install Hive:
      On RHEL
      yum install mapr-hive 
      On SLES
      zypper install mapr-hive 
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive
    • To install Hive and HiveServer2:
      On RHEL
      yum install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2
      On SLES
      zypper install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2
    • To install Hive, HiveServer2, and HiveMetastore:
      On RHEL
      yum install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore
      On SLES
      zypper install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore
    • To install Hive, HiveServer2, HiveMetastore and WebHCat:
      On RHEL
      yum install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore mapr-hivewebhcat
      On SLES
      zypper install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore mapr-hivewebhcat
      On Ubuntu
      apt-get install mapr-hive mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore mapr-hivewebhcat
    Starting from EEP-5.0.2 and EEP-6.0.1+, you can use Apache Derby as the underlying database, but only for test purposes. To configure Hive on Derby DB, install all Hive packages (mapr-hive, mapr-hiveserver2 mapr-hivemetastore, and mapr-hivewebhcat), and run the command, as described in Step 3 in this procedure.
    Do not use datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll for populating underlying databases. For details, see prohibited usage of datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll property .
  2. Configure the database for Hive Metastore. See Configuring Database for Hive Metastore.
  3. Run with the -R option.
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R

Hive Executable

After Hive is installed, the executable is located at: /opt/mapr/hive/hive-<version>/bin/hive.

Considerations for JDK 17

See Considerations for Hive on JDK 17.

Considerations for Spark-Hive Compatibility

Some parquet files generated by the default Spark installation are not compatible with Hive.

If you are using Hive and Spark with the same dataset simultaneously, or if Hive needs to use data generated by Spark, do the following:
  • If Spark has not yet generated the parquet files, set the spark.sql.parquet.writeLegacyFormat option to true in the Spark configuration.
  • If Spark has already generated the parquet files without the compatibility option enabled, set the spark.sql.parquet.writeLegacyFormat option to true in the Spark configuration and regenerate the parquet files.

Hive can now work with the parquet files.
See Spark Configuration in the Spark documentation for a detailed description of the configuration options.

Configuring Hive

See Hive User Impersonation for the steps to configure user impersonation for Hive and the Data Fabric cluster.

To configure Hive on Tez, see Configuring Hive and Tez.