Installing Drill

This topic provides instructions for using package managers to download and install Drill.

You can install and run Drill on any number of nodes in your Data Fabric cluster. You can install Drill to run under the Warden service or under YARN. Starting in MapR 6.0 and Drill 1.11, Drill is secured by default when you install Drill on a secure MapR 6.x cluster.
See Component Versions for Released EEPs for version support in each EEP release.

Data Fabric Default Security Configuration

Starting in Drill 1.11, Drill is automatically secured when you install Drill in a 6.x cluster that was installed with the default security configuration. The default security configuration uses MapR-SASL (mapr tickets) to provide authentication, authorization, and encryption for cluster security.
The default security configuration does not support Drill-on-YARN.
The default Data Fabric security configuration is not required. You can install Drill and configure custom security, or turn security off after installing with the default security configuration. See the Drill Installation Security Scenarios section below for more information. See Securing Drill.

Installing Drill Under Warden or YARN

You can install and run Drill under Warden or you can install and run Drill under YARN. If you are currently running Drill under Warden, you can upgrade Drill and continue to run Drill under Warden, or you can migrate Drill to run under YARN. See Migrate Drill to Run Under YARN for instructions.

When Warden manages the Drill cluster, you can use the Control System for monitoring. YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a cluster management tool that automates the resource sharing process in a cluster. When you launch Drill under YARN, YARN deploys (localizes) Drill onto each node. You can monitor the Drill cluster using the Drill-on-YARN Application Master web UI.

Drill Packages

You can use package managers to manually install the appropriate Drill package. The Drill packages provide the software needed to run Drill. Data Fabric provides mapr-drill package and also a mapr-drill-yarn package.

Drill includes the Drill daemon, the core Drillbit service that runs on a node. Each node running the Drillbit service can receive, plan, and execute queries sent from a client. The software also includes the drill-shell command line interface, a pure-Java console-based utility, for connecting to a Drill cluster and executing SQL commands.

The following sections list the Drill packages and their descriptions:

The mapr-drill package is required to run Drill under the Warden service. This package installs or upgrades the Drill software in /opt/mapr/drill and integrates Drill with the Warden service. You install this package on all nodes designated to run Drill.
Verify that you get both the mapr-drill and mapr-drill-internal packages, especially if you install or upgrade through the URL or download through the HPE repositories. Also, verify that the packages have the same version. For example, if you install Drill 1.14, both packages should be version 1.14.
The mapr-drill-yarn package is required to run Drill under YARN. This package installs the Drill software in /opt/mapr/drill. You install this package on the node that you designate as the Drill-on-YARN client. See Install Drill to Run Under YARN for details. YARN deploys Drill to every node included in the Drill cluster. Installing this package on every node is not required.
If any users need to access SQLLine, you must install the mapr-drill-yarn package on every node where users expect access to SQLLine.

Drill and Query Services

To use the optional OJAI Distributed Query Service, you must install Drill and configure and register the service. See Configure the OJAI Distributed Query Service.

Drill Installation Security Scenarios

The following sections describe some manual installation scenarios for Drill with information about security configuration:

Installing or Upgrading Drill

You can install Drill on a Data Fabric cluster with or without default security. After you install the Drill package, you must run the configuration script, -R, to configure the Drill service on the nodes. When you run the configuration script, the script recognizes whether your Data Fabric cluster is using the default security or not, and configures Drill accordingly.

In a secure cluster, an internal Drill configuration script automatically adds the security configuration to the drill-distrib.conf and files. See Securing Drill.
You can override these default security settings in the drill-override.conf file, but doing so is not recommended or supported.

If your cluster is not using the default security, the internal Drill configuration script does not configure any security for Drill. Instead, it copies warden.drill-bits.conf to the conf.d directory.

Installing Drill with Data Fabric and Configuring Custom Security

If you install Data Fabric and Drill, and you want to manually secure the cluster and Drill instead of using the default security option, you must add a .customSecure file to the /opt/mapr/conf/ directory before you run, as shown:
  1. Run /usr/bin/touch /opt/mapr/conf/.customSecure to add the .customSecure file.
  2. Run -R.

The configuration script recognizes the .customSecure file which indicates not to configure the default security settings. At this point, you can manually configure security in drill-override.conf.

Component and System Compatibility Matrix

See the Interoperability Matrix pages for information about the compatibility of Drill with operating systems and ecosystem projects.

Drill Storage and Format Plug-in Support Matrix

See the Drill Storage and Format Plugin Support Matrix page for a list of supported and unsupported data sources and formats in Drill on Data Fabric.