Installing Kafka Schema Registry

This topic includes instructions for using package managers to download and install the Kafka Schema Registry from a HPE repository.


About this task

The Kafka Schema Registry is a service that provides a RESTful interface for storing and retrieving schemas. The Kafka Schema Registry can be installed on one or several nodes. You can install Kafka Schema Registry through the Installer or manually, using the instructions provided here. To install the schema registry package on a node, run the following commands as root or using sudo:


  1. Install the schema registry package:

    On Ubuntu:

    apt-get install mapr-schema-registry

    On RedHat/ CentOS:

    yum install mapr-schema-registry

    On SLES:

    zypper install mapr-schema-registry
  2. Run -R:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R
    Because the Kafka Schema Registry is managed by Warden, you don't have to restart Warden after installing the registry. Warden brings up the service after a few minutes.

What to do next

To manage and administer the Kafka Schema Registry, see Kafka Schema Registry.