Shutting Down a Cluster Using an Installer Stanza Command

Use the Stanza shutdown command to shut down an on-premise or cloud-based cluster.

The Stanza shutdown command is available with Installer 1.6 or later. The command shuts down Warden and Zookeeper, which in turn shut down other running services that are part of a Data Fabric cluster. When you use the shutdown command, the Installer implements the same orderly shutdown that it uses to perform software upgrades.

You must supply the ssh ID and password or the ssh ID and ssh_key_file.

The shutdown command works differently for cloud-based clusters. Note these considerations for the behavior of the shutdown command:
Cluster Location Shutdown Command Behavior
On premise Does not stop non Data Fabric software and does not power off the nodes.
In the cloud Shuts down (but does not remove) all the nodes in the cluster. If the installer node is part of the cluster, the installer node is not shut down. To shut down the installer node, use AWS-console or Azure-portal commands to stop the instance.

This example shuts down a cluster. The command uses an override to provide the ssh_id and ssh_password and includes -nv so that certificates will not be checked, and the output mode is verbose.

./bin/mapr-installer-cli shutdown -nv -o config.ssh-id=root -o config.ssh_password=mapr

This example shuts down a cluster. The command uses an override to provide the ssh_id and ssh_key_file and includes -nv so that certificates will not be checked, and the output mode is verbose. The ssh_key_file for root normally resides in /root/.ssh. In this example, the file has been copied to /home/mapr/root so that the mapr user can access the key file.

./bin/mapr-installer-cli shutdown -nv -o config.ssh_id=root -o config.ssh_key_file=/home/mapr/root_user_id_rsa