Uninstalling Core Using an Installer Stanza

Specifies how to uninstall Core from the command line.

You can use the uninstall command to uninstall the current data-fabric software version. The uninstall command requires that you specify two overrides:
  • config.ssh_id
  • config.ssh_password or config.ssh_key_file
Using the the uninstall command requires root privileges. You can provide the root ID and password or the root ID and ssh_key_file.
This example uninstalls the currently installed data-fabric software. The command uses an override to provide the ssh_id and ssh_password and includes -nv so that certificates will not be checked, and the output mode is verbose.
./bin/mapr-installer-cli uninstall -nv -o config.ssh_id=root -o config.ssh_password=mapr
This example uninstalls the currently installed data-fabric software. The command uses an override to provide the ssh_id and ssh_key_file and includes -nv so that certificates will not be checked, and the output mode is verbose. The ssh_key_file for root normally resides in /root/.ssh. In this example, the file has been copied to /home/mapr/root so that the mapr user can access the key file.
./bin/mapr-installer-cli uninstall -nv -o config.ssh_id=root -o config.ssh_key_file=/home/mapr/root_user_id_rsa