Using the Incremental Install Function

Use the Incremental Install function of the web-based Installer to control security, add or upgrade services, upgrade Ecosystem Packs (EEPs), and perform other maintenance functions.

Things You Can Do Using the Incremental Install

About this task

Using the Incremental Install function, you can:
  • Enable or disable security by using the Enable MapR Secure Cluster option
  • Add services that are supported for your current EEP
  • Apply a patch
  • Delete a service from a cluster by deselecting the service
  • Upgrade the Ecosystem Pack (EEP) to upgrade your services
  • Change a 2-digit EEP to the equivalent 3-digit EEP (see Understanding Two-Digit and Three-Digit EEPs)
Before enabling security using the Incremental Install function, be sure to review the known issue (IN-1084) related to custom certificates. See MapR Installer Known Issues.
You cannot perform the following functions using an Incremental Install:
  • Add a node to a cluster
  • Delete a node from a cluster
  • Upgrade the Core version

Online Versus Offline Operations

About this task

Most Incremental Install operations are performed online. However, applying a patch or selecting or deselecting the Enable MapR Secure Cluster option are offline operations. See Using the Enable Secure Cluster Option. Making a change to security requires the Installer to stop the Warden and Zookeeper services, bringing the cluster offline temporarily.

Using Incremental Install


  1. Using a browser, log in to the Installer:
    https://<Installer Node hostname/Ipaddress>:9443
  2. Click the Incremental Install button. The Version & Services page appears.
  3. Make the desired changes to add or remove security, add or delete services, apply a patch, or upgrade the EEP. Then click Next.
  4. Advance through the Installer screens, providing the admin password or other information as needed.
  5. After the Incremental Install finishes, if you added services, use the Control System Services tab or the maprcli service list -node command to ensure that the services are running. If the services are not running, you might need to restart the nodes. For more information, see IN-1332 in Installer Known Issues.