Troubleshooting Repository URL Errors

This page describes how to troubleshoot an issue in which an incorrect repository URL is stored in the Installer properties.json file.

How Repository URL Errors Can Occur

The properties.json file stores information such as the user ID of the cluster administrator, the user ID of the Installer, the OS type, Internet access information, and the repository URL. Once the repository URL has been stored in properties.json, the Installer assumes that the URL will not change.

If you run -r <url> and you make a mistake when typing the URL, the incorrect URL is added into the Installer properties.json file. If you later run -r <url> again but with the correct URL, the properties.json is not updated. Even upgrading the installer packages does not update the repository URL in properties.json.

Some versions of the Installer generate a warning if you try to correct the URL by running -r <url> again, but older versions of the Installer do not generate a warning. Whether or not a warning is generated, you can correct the issue, but how you do so depends on the version of the Installer that is installed.

Fix Using Installer 1.10 or Later

Installer 1.10 and later versions generate a warning if you run -r <url> and provide a new URL. The warning describes two ways to change the URL currently stored in the properties.json file:
  • You can use the reload or remove command, and then specify a new URL:
    1. Use one of the following commands:
      bash /tmp/ -R <new_url> reload
      bash /tmp/ remove

      Using the remove command removes properties.json, the installer database, and the installer packages, but not the setup script.

    2. Specify the new URL:
      bash /tmp/ -r <new_url>
  • You can manually edit the properties.json file:
    1. Edit the properties.json file to specify the new URL:
      edit /opt/mapr/installer/data/properties.json
    2. Reload the Data Fabric Installer:
      systemctl restart mapr-installer

Fix Using Installer 1.9 or Earlier

Installer 1.9 and earlier do NOT generate a warning if you run -r <url> and provide a new URL. To pass a new repository value into properties.json for Installer versions 1.9 or earlier, you must first remove the installer files: remove
Using the remove command removes properties.json, the installer database, and the installer packages, but not the setup script. After the files are removed, you can rerun to specify the new repository URL:
bash /tmp/ -r <new_url>

To run, see Data Fabric Installer. For information about options you can use with, see Using