Defining ACEs Using the Access Control Expression Builder

Describes how to build ACEs using the Expression Builder.

About this task

To define access control expressions using the Access Control Expression builder in the Control System:


  1. Choose All or Any (from the drop-down menu) of the settings to match for access.
    All AND (&) operation Indicates that all of the conditions must be met for public or user, group, and role to access the volume.
    Any OR (|) operation Indicates that any one of the conditions must be met for public or user, group, and role to access the volume.
  2. Click:
    + To add an expression.
    () To add a subexpression.
    x To remove an expression or subexpression.
  3. Select Public or User, Group, or Role from the drop-down menu and:
    1. Choose Is to grant or Is not to block access to the user, group, or role.
    2. Enter the name of the user, group, or role.
  4. Click Save Changes to create an ACE.