Encrypting a Stream

Apply an additional layer of security to streams by encrypting them.

To set encryption on a stream:

  1. Before encrypting a stream, ensure that wire-level security is enabled for the cluster. See Enabling Wire-level Security.
  2. Determine whether a directory or stream is encrypted by running the following command:
    hadoop mfs -ls <path>
    Streams inherit the value of the -setnetworkencryption setting from the directory in which they are created.
  3. If the directory is not encrypted, set the encryption on the streams with the following command:
    hadoop mfs -setnetworkencryption on <path of stream>


Suppose that the streams that you want to encrypt are all in the /test directory. You run this command to discover whether the directory is encrypted:

# hadoop mfs -lsd /test
Found 1 items
drwxr-xr-x Z U U   - root root          0 2015-09-07 02:37  268435456 /test
           p 2049.43.131260  localhost:5660 

The second flag U after the permissions indicates that the directory test is unencrypted. Because you want to encrypt your stream to enhance data security, you run this command, which encrypts the entire directory:

hadoop mfs -setnetworkencryption on /test

If you run the -lsd command again, you will see that the U is replaced by an E, indicating that the directory is now encrypted:

# hadoop mfs -lsd /test
Found 1 items
drwxr-xr-x Z E U   - root root          0 2015-09-07 02:40  268435456 /test
           p 2049.43.131260  localhost:5660