Listing all Upstream Sources for a Stream

Describes how to list all the upstream sources for a stream using the Control System and the CLI.

Listing all Upstream Sources for a Stream Using the Control System


Log in to the Control System and go to the Replication tab in the stream information page.
The Upstream Sources pane displays the list of upstream sources for the selected stream and for each upstream source, the pane displays the following:
Column Name Column Description
IDX The index number of the upstream stream.
Upstream Source Cluster The name of the Data Fabric cluster in which the upstream stream is located.
Upstream Source Path The path and name of the upstream stream.
UUID The upstream stream's universally unique identifier.
You can add an upstream source and by selecting the checkbox beside a stream, you can decouple the selected upstream stream.

Listing all Upstream Sources for a Stream Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The command to list all upstream sources for a stream is:

maprcli stream upstream list -path <stream path>

For complete reference information, see stream upstream list.