Viewing Node Metrics

Explains how to view node metrics using the Control System.

About this task

The metrics collection infrastructure must be installed during installation to visualize the metrics in the various panes. If the metrics collection infrastructure is not installed, perform an Incremental Install to visualize the metrics that are desribed in the following section.

Monitoring Node Metrics Using the Control System


Log in to the Control System and go to the Metrics tab in the node information page.

By default, the page displays charts that show metrics for the last 24 hours. You can select a preset or specify a custom time range.

You can also zoom in (by clicking and dragging the cursor in the pane) for a more granular view. Click Zoom Out to expand time window or click:
  • to shift time window forwards.
  • to shift time window backwards.

Click associated with the chart to view information about the graph. Click to display the Customize Active Charts window. You can select charts to display and remove from the Available and Selected lists in the Customize Active Charts window. You can view up to 6 charts at a time in the page.

Use the following table when selecting the charts to view in the page. In the following table, the Charts column lists the charts that are available and the Metric column describes that type of metric that can be visualized in the chart:
Metric Charts
CPU Usage
  • Node Active CPU Usage
  • Node CPU Usage**
  • Node CPU Usage IDLE
  • Node CPU Usage NICE
  • Node CPU Usage SYSTEM
  • Node CPU Usage USER
  • Node CPU Usage WAIT
  • MFS CPU Usage
  • Allocated vs Available CPU Cores
  • MapR Process CPU Usage
  • MAST Gateway CPU Usage
  • DB Gateway CPU Usage
  • Data Access Gateway CPU Usage
Memory Usage
  • Node Free Memory
  • Node Utilized Memory***
  • Node Memory Free vs Used*
  • MFS Process Memory Usage
  • Data Fabric Process Memory Usage
SWAP Space
  • Node Swap Free
  • Node Swap Used
  • Node Swap Space Available vs Used*
  • Node Swap IO
Node IOs
  • Node Network IO*
  • Node Network Interface Input
  • Node Network Interface Output
  • Node Network Interface Error Input
  • Node Network Interface Error Output
System Disk Throughput
  • Disk Read Ops
  • Disk Write Ops
  • Disk Reads and Writes*
System Disk Latency
  • Disk Avg Read Latency
  • Disk Avg Write Latency
  • Disk Read and Write Times
MFS Throughput
  • MFS Read Throughput
  • MFS Write Throughput
  • MFS Read and Write Throughput
  • MFS System Disk Activity in Bytes*

* This metric is diplayed in the default chart view for a node.

** This metric is diplayed in the default chart view for a node and in the default list view for a table.

*** This metric is diplayed in the default list view for a table.

For information on viewing metrics for: