Managing Gateways

Describes the commands for listing gateways, checking status of gateways, managing gateways if they fail, and troubleshooting gateways.

You can run the following commands to perform operations on your gateways.

If you have configured an intra-cluster gateway, the source and destination clusters are the same.
  • To see a list of the gateways for a particular destination cluster:

    Run the maprcli cluster gateway get command on the source cluster. Specify the name of the destination cluster with the -dstcluster parameter. If you run the command remotely from your source cluster, specify the name of the source cluster with the -cluster parameter.

  • To see a list of the gateways for all of the destination clusters to which the source cluster is replicating:

    Run the maprcli cluster gateway list command on the source cluster. If you run the command remotely from your source cluster, specify the name of the source cluster with the -cluster parameter.

  • To remove the list of gateways that you specified for a destination cluster by using the maprcli cluster gateway set command:

    Run the maprcli cluster gateway delete command on the source cluster. Specify the name of the destination cluster with the -dstcluster parameter. If you run the command remotely from your source cluster, specify the name of the source cluster with the -cluster parameter.

  • To find out how HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database or HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams is finding gateways (for example, from DNS records, lists created by the maprcli cluster gateway set command or the mapr-clusters.conf file):

    Run the command maprcli cluster gateway resolve on the source cluster. Specify the name of the destination cluster with the -dstcluster parameter. If you run the command remotely from your source cluster, specify the name of the source cluster with the -cluster parameter.

  • To stop and start one or more gateways:
    Run the maprcli node services -name gateway -action stop|start on the clusters where the gateways are running.
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name gateway -action stop -nodes <hostnames or IP addresses separated by spaces>
    /opt/mapr/bin/maprcli node services -name gateway -action start -nodes <hostnames or IP addresses separated by spaces> 
  • To check the status of a gateway service on a particular node:

    Run the command maprcli service list on the clusters where the gateways are running.

Running the maprcli cluster gateway set command

The syntax of the maprcli cluster gateway set command is:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli cluster gateway set -dstcluster <cluster name> -gateways "<space-delimited list of gateways>"

To generate a list of the existing gateways in a Data Fabric cluster, use the maprcli cluster gateway list command. You can then copy this list and paste it into the maprcli cluster gateway set command. Alternatively, to generate a list of the gateways on a local cluster, run the maprcli cluster gateway local -format text command. If you want to run the command from a different cluster and point to the cluster where the gateways are located, use the -cluster parameter to provide the name of that cluster.

For example, suppose that you are configuring table replication from the cluster sanfrancisco to the cluster newyork, and want to use two gateways. The nodes on which these gateways are located are named gw1 and gw2.

The command that you run will be as follows:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli cluster gateway set -dstcluster newyork -gateways ""

Adding a DNS record to your DNS server's zone file for your domain

In your DNS server’s zone file for your domain, you can add a record for the cluster where gateways are located, listing the nodes to use as gateways. You can use the Control System to create a record that you can copy into a DNS configuration file, run a maprcli command to generate the record, or create a record manually.

For details, see Specifying the Location of Gateways.

If a Gateway Fails

If a gateway fails, the warden service tries three (3) times to restart it automatically. After an interval, the warden tries again three times to start the gateway. You can configure the interval by using the parameter services.retryinterval.time.sec in the warden.conf file. The default is 30 minutes.

During the time that the gateway is down, source clusters will resend updates to other gateways. Source clusters will also ping the failed gateway with an exponentially increasing backoff.

If all of the gateways fail in a destination cluster, source clusters will ping the failed gateways in the same manner. Updates pending replication are stored on disk in an internal data structure until at least one gateway in the destination cluster comes back online. Therefore, you will see additional storage costs during a gateway outage. The Gateway Service Down alarm in the Control System will notify you when none of the gateways in a destination cluster can be reached.

If the additional storage becomes too costly, you can follow either of these procedures:

If you are replicating to a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database binary table:

  1. Run the maprcli table replica remove command to stop replicating to the replica. This action deletes the pending updates.
  2. Resolve the gateway outage.
  3. Recreate the replica and start replicating to it by running the maprcli table replica autosetup command.

If you are replicating to a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams stream:

  1. Run the maprcli stream replica remove command to stop replicating to the replica stream. This action cancels the pending updates to the replica stream.
  2. Resolve the gateway outage.
  3. Run the command maprcli stream replica autosetup to recreate the replica stream and start replicating to it.


You can refer to two log files for each gateway when troubleshooting. Both these files are in the /opt/mapr/logs directory on the node where the gateway is running:

  • gateway.log
  • gatewayinit.log

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database Lookup Order

HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database uses the following order to locate the gateways that are running in a destination cluster.

  • Look up the destination cluster's name and gateway addresses in the information specified by the maprcli cluster gateway set command. If a list of gateways, then a DNS lookup is performed.
  • Perform a DNS lookup of the destination cluster and the addresses of the gateways. If no DNS record for the destination cluster is found, then the lookup goes to the mapr-clusters.conf file.
  • Look up the destination cluster's name and the CLDB node addresses in the mapr-clusters.conf file under the assumption that gateways are running on all of the CLDB nodes and only on those nodes.