cluster gateway set

Specifies the locations of the Data Fabric gateways that a source Data Fabric cluster can use for table replication to a destination Data Fabric cluster or for indexing table data in an Elasticsearch cluster.

In addition to this method, there are two other methods for specifying the locations of gateways that a source Data Fabric cluster can use when replicating to a particular Data Fabric cluster or when indexing in an Elasticsearch cluster. See Configuring Gateways for Table and Stream Replication for details about them.


maprcli cluster gateway set
   [ -cluster <cluster on which command to be run> ]
   -dstcluster <cluster name>
   -gateways <space-separated list of hostnames>   
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter Description
cluster (Optional)The cluster on which to run this command. By default, this is the cluster on which you run this command.

(Required) The name of the Data Fabric cluster in which the gateways are located.

If you are replicating table data to another Data Fabric cluster, specify the name of the destination cluster. This destination cluster could be the source cluster if you are performing intra-cluster replication.

If you are indexing table data in an Elasticsearch cluster, specify the name of the source Data Fabric cluster because that is where the gateways are located.

gateways (Required) A space-delimited list of gateway hostnames or IP addresses. Place double quotation marks around the list of gateways, as in this example: -gateways "gateway1 gateway2"


This example specifies the hostnames of two gateways that are in the Data Fabric cluster newyork. Use this command in the following scenarios:

  • The cluster newyork is the destination cluster for table replication from the source Data Fabric cluster.
  • The cluster newyork is both a source and destination cluster for intra-cluster table replication.
  • The cluster newyork is a source Data Fabric cluster that contains tables being indexed in one or more Elasticsearch clusters.
maprcli cluster gateway set -dstcluster newyork -gateways ""
curl -X POST -u <username>