Integrate Hue with Drill
Starting in EEP 6.0, Drill is officially supported with Hue. When you integrate Drill with Hue, users can run Drill queries from the Hue interface and visualize data.
Drill integrates with Hue through configuration options in the
file. A user can authenticate
to Hue through Plain, Kerberos, or Data Fabric-SASL
authentication. The user that authenticates to Hue is the user that runs the Drill queries
from Hue.
When connecting to Drill, Hue performs outbound impersonation to Drill as the user that authenticated to Hue. Drill accepts the outbound impersonation from Hue as an inbound impersonation. Drill then performs outbound impersonation to the filesystem or MapR Database.
The cluster must have the latest versions of Hue, Drill, and HTTPFS installed. Hue uses HTTPFS to communicate with the file system. You can see the latest component versions in the Component Versions for Released EEPs. If you install Hue and Drill on a secure cluster, Hue and Drill are installed with the default security configurations and outbound impersonation is enabled.
- Installer
When you install Hue and Drill using the Installer, HTTPFS is installed automatically, and Hue is automatically configured to integrate Drill without having to perform any manual configuration. The installer configures a Zookeeper connection to Drill in
, by default. - Manual Installation
- Install HTTPFS and then configure Hue, as described in the following section, Configuring Hue
- Installer
- In a secure cluster, Drill must have user impersonation enabled.
- Drill has an inbound impersonation policy option,
that allows the Hue process user (proxy user) to impersonate the Hue authenticated user as an outbound impersonation from Hue to Drill. This option is automatically configured when Drill and Hue are installed using the Installer with default security enabled, or when you run on a secure cluster. If you do not run, you must manually add this option to the impersonation configuration in the/opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version>/conf/drill-override.conf
file, as shown:impersonation.enabled: true, impersonation.max_chained_user_hops: 3, exec.impersonation.inbound_policies: "[{proxy_principals:{users:[\"mapr\"]},target_principals:{users:[\"*\"]}}]",
- Drill has an inbound impersonation policy option,
- If you plan to use Kerberos for authentication, you will need to include the Hue keytab file and Kerberos principal name for Hue in the hue.ini file. If needed, complete the steps listed in the Creating a Kerberos Principal and Extracting the Kerberos Ticket from the keytab File sections on the Configure Hue to use Kerberos page.
Configuring Hue
file to include the configuration information needed for Hue to
connect with Drill and HTTPFS. The hue.ini
file contains sections where you
configure Hue to integrate with various components, like Drill and HTTPFS. You can access
the hue.ini
file in the
directory. Start/Restart the
services after you update the hue.ini
file. hue.ini
file; no configuration is required. In a
secure cluster, the authentication mechanism defaults to
MAPR-SECURITY. - Edit the Drill configuration in
file contains a[[[drill]]]
section under which you can see configuration options needed for Hue to connect with Drill. You must uncomment an option (remove the # character) in thehue.ini
file for the option to take effect.The following tables list and describe the Drill options with possible values and also provide examples:Options Descriptions Examples connection_type= Tells Hue how to connect to Drill. Enter one of the following values:
A direct connection is a connection in which Hue connects directly to a Drillbit. A ZooKeeper connection is a connection in which Hue communicates with ZooKeeper and ZooKeeper provides Hue with a Drillbit to connect with.
connection_type=zookeeper drillbits= Enter the node IP address of the Drillbit that Hue connects with. Only enter a node address if using the “direct” connection_type. drillbits=
To list multiple Drillbits, separate each IP address by a comma, as shown:
drillbits=, 31010 is the user port between nodes in a Drill cluster. This port is needed for an external client to connect into the cluster nodes and for the Drill Web Console.zk_quorum= Enter the list of ZooKeeper node IP addresses in the ZooKeeper quorum. Only enter the IP addresses for the ZooKeeper quorum if using the “zookeeper” connection_type. zk_quorum=,, zk_cluster_id= Enter the name of the Drill cluster that you want Hue to connect to. zk_cluster_id=dev-drillbits mechanism= The type of authentication enabled. Enter one of the following values:
Data Fabric-SECURITY
Use None for Plain authentication. Use GSSAPI for Kerberos authentication. Use MAPR-SECURITY for maprsasl.
If you set the mechanism to “none” and impersonation is enabled, you must set the username and password to the admin or proxy user that will impersonate Hue end users. You can set these with the user= and password= options.
If you set the mechanism to GSSAPI, you must also include the ccache_path= option. For this option, enter the caching location for Kerberos credentials, for example:ccache_path=/tmp/hue_krb5_ccache
NOTESee Configure Hue to use KerberosYou can set the Drill Kerberos principal and/or Hue impersonation using the option named “
.” See “options=” below.mechanism=none user= If using Plain authentication, enter the username. If using another authentication mechanism, do not enter a value.
Set the username to the admin or proxy user that will impersonate Hue end users.
If impersonation is disabled, the you can set the user to any user. Hue will connect to Drill as the user specified.
user=mapr password= If using Plain authentication, enter the password. If using another authentication mechanism, do not enter a value.
Set the password for the admin or proxy user that will impersonate Hue end users.
If impersonation is disabled, set the password for the use specified.
password=mapr8 password_script= Indicates which script to run for the database password when a password is required and the password= option is not set. Enter the location of the script.
The following shell script is an example of a password script:
case $1 in
drill) echo "password_1";;
some-output) echo "password_2";;
*) echo "wrong argument" >&2 exit 1;;
password_script='/root/hue_password_script/ drill' options= Additional options related to impersonation and Kerberos authentication. This option takes the following values:
Impersonation enables or disables outbound impersonation in Hue. Principal is the Drill service principal when Kerberos authentication is enabled.
options='{"impersonation": true, "principal": "mapr/localhost@REALM"}'
options='{"impersonation": true}'
options='{"impersonation": false}'
- Add the HTTPFS URL in
file contains a[[[default]]]
section in the[hadoop]
block under which you can see HDFS configuration options. You must uncomment an option (remove the # character) in thehue.ini
file for the option to take effect.In the
section of the[hadoop]
block, enter the IP address of the HTTPFS node as the value for thewebhdfs_url=
option, as shown:# Use WebHdfs/HttpFs as the communication mechanism. # Domain should be the NameNode or HttpFs host. # Default port is 14000 for HttpFs. webhdfs_url=https://<httpfs-node-ip-address>:14000/webhdfs/v1
- Start the services.
Start/Restart Hue, Drill, and HTTPS to apply the updated configurations, as shown in the following examples:
maprcli node services -name hue -action start -nodes <hue-node-ip-address> maprcli node services -name drill-bits -action start -nodes <list-of-drill-node-ip-addresses> maprcli node services -name httpfs -action start -nodes <httpfs-node-ip-address>
Run Drill Queries in Hue
Once you have configured Hue and started the services, you can run Drill queries from Hue and visualize your data.
- In your web browser, enter the Hue URL to navigate to the Hue web interface,
as shown:
- If prompted, enter your user credentials. The Hue interface opens.
- In the Query drop-down, select Editor > Drill. The left navigation panel displays the list of schemas available in Drill.
- Select a schema, for example
, and then enter a query in the text field. - Click the blue play button to execute the query. Query results display.
- Optionally, you can use the buttons to the left of the query results to visualize the data.