Scalar Functions
The following are scalar functions for KSQL.
Function | Example | Description |
ABS | ABS(col1) | Absolute value of a value. |
CEIL | CEIL(col1) | Ceiling of a value. |
CONCAT | CONCAT(col1, '_hello') | Concatenate two strings. |
EXTRACTJSONFILELD | EXTRACTJSONFIELD(message, '$') | Given a sring column in JSON format, extract the field that matches. |
ARRAYCONTAINS | ARRAYCONTAINS('[1, 2, 3]', 3 | Given a JSON or AVRO array, checks if a search value is contained in it. |
FLOOR | FLOOR(col1) | Floor of a value. |
LCASE | LCASE(col1) | Convert a string to lowercase. |
LEN | LEN(col1) | Length of a string. |
RANDOM | RANDOM() | Returns a random DOUBLE value between 0 and 1.0 |
ROUND | ROUND(col1 | Round a value to the nearest BIGINT value. |
STRINGTOTIMESTAMP | STRINGTOTIMESTAMP(col1, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') | Converts a string value in the given format into the BIGINT value representing the timestamp. |
SUBSTRING | SUBSTRING(col1, 2, 5) | Returns the substring with the start and end indices. |
TIMESTAMPTOSTRING | TIMESTAMPTOSTRING(ROWTIME, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') | Converts a BIGINT timestamp value into the string representation of the timestamp in the given format. |
TRIM | TRIM(col1) | Trim the spaces from the beginning and the end of the string. |
CASE | CASE(col1) | Convert a string to uppercase. |