
Describes the Warden daemon that monitors and restarts services if they terminate.

Warden is a light Java application that runs on all the nodes in a cluster and coordinates cluster services. Warden’s job on each node is to start, stop, or restart the appropriate services, and allocate the correct amount of memory to them. Warden makes extensive use of the znode abstraction discussed in the ZooKeeper section of this document to monitor the state of cluster services.

Each service running in a cluster has a corresponding znode in the ZooKeeper namespace, named in the pattern /services/<servicename>/<hostname>. Warden’s Watcher interface monitors znodes for changes and acts when a znode is created or deleted, or when child znodes of a monitored znode are created or deleted.

Warden configuration is contained in the warden.conf file, which lists service triplets in the form <servicename>:<number of nodes>:<dependencies>. The number of nodes element of this triplet controls the number of concurrent instances of the service that can run on the cluster. Some services are restricted to one running instance per cluster, while others, such as the File Server, can run on every node. The Warden monitors changes to its configuration file in real time.

When a configuration triplet lists another service as a dependency, the Warden only starts that service after the dependency service is running.

When Warden is started/restarted, the irqbalancer is enabled on nodes running file system because it balances IRQ SMP affinities, which provide better performance.

Memory Management with the Warden

System administrators can configure how the cluster’s memory is allocated to running the operating system, file system, and Hadoop services. The configuration files /opt/mapr/conf/warden.conf and /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d/warden.<servicename>.conf include parameters that define how much of the memory on a node is allocated to the operating system, file system, and Hadoop services.

You can edit the following memory parameters to reserve memory:
  • The service.<servicename>.heapsize.percent parameter controls the percentage of system memory allocated to the named service.
  • The service.<servicename>.heapsize.max parameter defines the maximum heapsize used when invoking the service.
  • The service.<servicename>.heapsize.min parameter defines the minimum heapsize used when invoking the service.

For example, the service.command.os.heapsize.percent, service.command.os.heapsize.max, and service.command.os.heapsize.min parameters in the warden.conf file control the amount of memory that Warden allocates to the host operating system before allocating memory to other services.

The actual heap size used when invoking a service is a combination of the three parameters according to the formula:
max(heapsize.min, min(heapsize.max, total-memory * heapsize.percent / 100))

For more information, see Memory Allocation for Nodes.

The Warden and Failover

The Warden on each node watches appropriate znodes to determine whether to start or stop services during failover. The following paragraphs provide failover examples for the CLDB and ResourceManager. Note that not all failover involves the Warden; NFS failover is accomplished using VIPs.
CLDB Failover
The ZooKeeper contains a znode corresponding to the active primary CLDB. This znode is monitored by the secondary CLDBs. When the primary CLDB znode is deleted, the secondary CLDBs recognize that the primary CLDB is no longer running. The secondary CLDBs contact ZooKeeper in an attempt to become the new primary CLDB. The first CLDB to get a lock on the znode in ZooKeeper becomes the new primary instance.
ResourceManager Failover

Starting in version 4.0.2, if the node running the ResourceManager fails and the Warden on the ResourceManager node is unable to restart it, Warden starts a new instance of the ResourceManager on another node. The Warden on every ResourceManager node watches the ResourceManager’s znode for changes. When the active ResourceManager’s znode is deleted, the Wardens on other ResourceManager nodes attempt to launch the ResourceManager. The Warden on each ResourceManager node works with the ZooKeeper to ensure that only one ResourceManager is running in the cluster.

In order for failover to occur in this manner, at least two nodes in the cluster should include the ResourceManager role and your cluster must be use the zero configuration failover implementation.

The Warden and Pluggable Services

Services can be plugged into the Warden’s monitoring infrastructure by setting up an individual configuration file for each supported service in the /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d directory, named in the pattern warden.<servicename>.conf. The <servicename>:<number of nodes>:<dependencies> triplets for a pluggable service are stored in the individual warden.<servicename>.conf files, not in the main warden.conf file.

The following services/packages have configuration files pre-configured at installation:
  • Hue
  • The Hive metastore
  • HiveServer2
  • Spark-Master
  • mapr-apiserver
  • mapr-collectd
  • mapr-drill
  • mapr-elasticsearch
  • mapr-fluentd
  • mapr-grafana
  • mapr-hbase
  • mapr-hbasethrift
  • mapr-historyserver
  • mapr-hive
  • mapr-hivemetastore
  • mapr-hiveserver2
  • mapr-hivewebchat
  • mapr-httpfs
  • mapr-hue
  • mapr-impala
  • mapr-impalacatalog
  • mapr-impalaserver
  • mapr-impalastore
  • mapr-kafka
  • mapr-kibana
  • mapr-ksql
  • mapr-livy
  • mapr-nodemanager
  • mapr-objectstore
  • mapr-opentsdb
  • mapr-resourcemanager
  • mapr-schema
  • mapr-sentry
  • mapr-spark
  • mapr-sqoop2
  • mapr-storm
  • mapr-tez
  • mapr-timelineserver
  • mapr-webserver

A package can contain multiple services. For example, mapr-spark contains all of Spark services including Spark Thrift Server and Spark Master.

After you install a package and run the configure.sh utility, the associated Warden files are present in /opt/mapr/conf/conf.d.

The Warden daemon monitors the znodes for a configured component’s service and restarts the service as specified by the configuration triplet. The configuration file also specifies resource limits for the service, ports used by the service (if any), and a location for log files.

In the triplet <servicename>:<number of nodes>:<dependencies>, the <number of nodes> can be set to all. The value all specifies that the service is to be started on every node on which the service is installed.

For example, consider the entry services=kvstore:all;cldb:all:kvstore;hoststats:all:kvstore. This entry specifies the following:

  1. Start kvstore on all the nodes on which it is installed.
  2. Start cldb on all the nodes on which it is installed, but wait until kvstore is up on all nodes. In other words, cldb depends on kvstore to be up.
  3. Start hoststats on all nodes on which it is installed but wait until kvstore is up on all nodes. In other words, hoststats depends on kvstore to be up.

As another example, consider the entry: resourcemanager:1:cldb. Here, only one instance of resourcemanager is started, after cldb is up.

If this instance of resourcemanager goes down, Warden notices that the number of running instances is below the specified count, and automatically handles the failover. If multiple instances of resourcemanager get started, Warden terminates all the extra instances.

Dependencies are usually handled internally. Some non-core components do have dependencies among themselves, such as for example:

  1. nodemanager depends on resourcemanager
  2. hbmaster depends on cldb
  3. hbregionserver depends on hbmaster