Upgrading the Data Access Gateway

This section describes how to upgrade the Data Access Gateway without the Installer.

About this task

Complete the following steps to upgrade the Data Access Gateway without the Installer.

  1. Install the new package using the command that is appropriate for your distribution:
    yum update mapr-data-access-gateway
    apt-get install mapr-data-access-gateway
    zypper update mapr-data-access-gateway
  2. On the CLDB master node, use the manageSSLKeys.sh script to generate the p12 keystore file, which enables OpenSSL communication channel for the gRPC service. For example:
    /opt/mapr/server/manageSSLKeys.sh convert -k -N <cluster_name> /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_keystore /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_keystore.pem
  3. Copy the /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_keystore.p12 and /opt/mapr/conf/ssl_keystore.pem files to all other nodes that contain the Data Access Gateway.