Setting Default Quotas for Users/Groups

Set default values for user and group quotas on a fabric via the Data Fabric UI.


You must be a fabric manager to edit user quotas and group quotas for a fabric.

About this task

Quotas limit the disk space used by a volume or an entity such as a user or a group. A volume quota limits the space used by a volume. A user/group quota limits the space used by all volumes owned by a user or group. These quotas work on tenant volumes as well.

You can set hard quota and advisory quota defaults for users and groups. When a user or group is created, the default quota and advisory quota apply unless overridden by specific quotas. Quotas can be specified in mega bytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), petabytes (PB), exabytes (EB), and zettabytes (ZB).

  • User quota is the total space allocated to user on fabric.
  • User hard quota is the total space allocated to user on fabric.
  • Group quota is the total space allocated to group on fabric.
  • Group hard quota is the total space allocated to group on fabric.
  • Fabric reserve limit is the percentage of the total cluster capacity to allocate for the volumes on the cluster.

The size of a disk space quota is expressed in terms of the actual data stored from the user's point of view. Only post-compression data blocks are counted, and snapshot and replica space do not count against quotas. For example, a 10G file that is compressed to 8G and has a replication factor of 3 consumes 24G (3*8G), but charges only 8G to the user or volume's quota.

Follow the steps given below to set default quotas for users and/or groups.


  1. Log on to the Data Fabric UI.
  2. Select the Fabric manager from the dropdown next to the welcome message on the Home page.
  3. Click
  4. In the tabular list of fabrics on the Global namespace card, click the fabric name for which you wish to set the default user quota and/or group quota.
  5. Click Settings. Click the pencil/edit icon next to the Default quota .
  6. On the Edit Fabric Quotas dialog box, enter the values for user quota, user hard quota, group quota and group hard quota. Change the unit, as required.
  7. Specify the Fabric reserve limit.
  8. Click Update.


The user quota, group quota, and fabric reserve limit specified for the fabric are saved. You can view the fabric default user quota and group quota on the Settings tab for the fabric.

You may choose to specify quotas for individual users and/or groups. Such values override the default user quota and group quota for the respective users and/or groups. See Setting a Quota for a User for details.