About Custom Base Images

Hewlett Packard Enterprise provides publicly available base OS images for use in containerized clusters. These images extend the base OS images available from Docker hub by adding several packages that permit HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise to manage container orchestration seamlessly and to improve the security of the container.

Applications that will run on EPIC deployments of HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise require the use of the custom base images that are provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise. KubeDirector applications are not required to use the custom base images. For information about container images and KubeDirector applications, see App Definition Authoring for KubeDirector (link opens an external website in a new browser tab or window).

The list of base images provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise includes:

  • FROM bluedata/centos7:latest
  • FROM bluedata/centos8:latest
  • FROM bluedata/rhel7:latest
  • FROM bluedata/rhel8:latest
  • FROM bluedata/ubuntu18:latest
HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise does not support CentOS 8, RHEL 7, or Ubuntu 16 container images.

If needed, you may build base images for use in HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise starting from your own internal CentOS, RHEL, and/or Ubuntu images. You may also rebuild the containerized applications provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise to meet your specific needs. Custom images can also be used to build new applications using the App Workbench. The articles in this section describe how you can build your own base image that can be used for further image development.

Please click the appropriate link for instructions on building a base image for your OS version: