Installing and Configuring Spark Thrift Server

This section describes how to install and configure Spark Thrift Server on HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise.


  1. Log in as a Kubernetes Tenant Administrator or a Kubernetes Tenant Member in HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise.
  2. Install Spark Operator and enable the webhook. See Spark Operator.

About this task

In HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise, you can install Spark Thrift Server using GUI or manually using the Helm chart for Apache Spark.

Learn more about supported Spark versions at Interoperability Matrix for Spark.

Installing Spark Thrift Server Using the GUI

About this task

Install the Spark Thrift Server for Apache Spark by using the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise GUI.


  1. Log in as a Kubernetes Tenant Administrator or a Kubernetes Tenant Member on the HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise GUI.
  2. Click Applications in the main menu. You will see Kubernetes Applications tiles under KubeDirector tab.
  3. Navigate to Spark Thrift Server tile and click Launch.
  4. Configure Cluster Detail and Settings on Create Application screen.
    Cluster Detail:
    Enter the Name and Description of the application.
    Set the CPU and Memory (GB) resources.
    Set the number of Executor Cores.
    Set Hive Metastore with the name of a ConfigMap with hive-site.xml configuration of a Hive Metastore. The default ConfigMap name for a Hive Metastore installed in the same tenant is hivesite-cm. To learn more, see Issues and Workarounds.
    In HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise 5.4.0, to set Air Gap Settings, check Air Gap and set Base Repository, Image, Image Tag, Image Pull Secret. See Spark Images.
  5. To view yaml, click Edit/Launch yaml.
  6. Click Submit.


Spark Thrift Server is installed in a tenant namespace.

Installing Spark Thrift Server Using the Helm


  1. Install and configure Helm 3.
  2. Install and configure kubectl..

About this task

Install the Spark Thrift Server on Data Fabric tenants which are HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes tenants or HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Bare Metal tenants or non Data Fabric tenants using the Helm Chart.

See Spark Thrift Server Helm Chart.


Helm install the Spark Thrift Server on HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise:
  • Installing Spark Thrift Server on Data Fabric tenants: To helm install the Spark Thrift Server on data-fabric (internal or external) tenants, run the following command:
    helm install <spark-hs-name> ./<path-to-spark-hs-chart> -n <namespace>
  • Installing Spark Thrift Server on non Data Fabric tenants: To helm install the Spark Thrift Server on non data-fabric (none) tenants, run the following command:
    helm install <spark-hs-name> ./<path-to-spark-hs-chart> -n <namespace> --set tenantIsUnsecure=true

Installing the Spark Thrift Server Helm chart in a non-tenant namespace can cause error due to missing ConfigMaps and Secrets.

Running the helm install installs the Spark Thrift Server in a tenant namespace.


  • To helm install the Spark Thrift Server on Data Fabric (internal or external) tenants, run the following command:
    helm install spark-ts ./spark-ts-chart -n sampletenant
  • To helm install the Spark Thrift Server on non Data Fabric (none) tenants, run the following command:
    helm install spark-ts ./spark-ts-chart -n sampletenant --set tenantIsUnsecure=true