Kubeflow Post-Installation Steps

(Recommended) Configure KFServing

KFServing is based on top of Knative. By default, Knative enables a scale-to-zero feature. For testing or development purposes, it can be useful to know how to disable this feature.
  1. To disable scale-to-zero, enter the following command:
    kubectl -n knative-serving edit cm config-autoscaler
    Add the following to the bottom of the file:
      enable-scale-to-zero: "false"
  2. If your environment is behind a proxy, add the appropriate environmental variables to controller deployment in the knative-serving namespace. From the Kubernetes master node, execute the following commands:
    kubectl set env deployment/controller -n knative-serving http_proxy="$http_proxy"
    kubectl set env deployment/controller -n knative-serving https_proxy="$https_proxy"
    kubectl set env deployment/controller -n knative-serving no_proxy="$no_proxy"