Upgrading Data Fabric Tenants

This procedure describes upgrading the Data Fabric Tenant services, without full tenant recreation through the UI. This procedure might be useful when upgrading from previous versions of HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise.


You have upgraded the Tenant Operator.

About this task

After upgrading the Tenant Operator, you might upgrade the Data Fabric Tenant services without full tenant recreation through UI.


  1. Remove owner reference from tenant namespace, using the command:
    kubectl edit ns [tenant-namespace]

    See the Owner Reference highlighted in the following example, remove the owner references.

    Screenshot highlighting owner references
  2. Save the tenant as a YAML file, using the command:
    kubectl get tenant [tenant-name] -o yaml > my_tenant.yaml
  3. Delete the old tenant, using the command:
    kubectl delete tenant [tenant-name]
  4. Edit the YAML file by executing the following steps:
    1. Remove all managed fields, e.g: all from metadata, name, status, and so on.
    2. Change tag in spec.baseimagetag to the newer one.
    3. If you have individual image tags for services, ensure to update them. Also, if the value of an image tag matches baseimagetag, remove that tag.
      Refer to the following example. In the example, check the color of the rectangle and take the appropriate action:
      • Red: Remove the Items marked in red.
      • Yellow: Individual image tags.
      • Green: Update the information in baseimagetag tag.

  5. Create a tenant by applying the modified YAML file, using the command:
    kubectl apply -f my_tenant.yaml