cluster gateway delete

Deletes the list of Data Fabric gateways from a source Data Fabric cluster.

Source data-fabric clusters can use such lists to locate the gateways that enable replication of table data to a particular data-fabric cluster or indexing table data in a specific Elasticsearch cluster. You create lists of gateways by running the cluster gateway set command.

There are three methods of specifying the location of gateways to a data-fabric cluster that is a source for table replication

or indexing in Elasticsearch. If a source data-fabric cluster relies on DNS records to find out the location of the gateways, or the cluster relies on the mapr-clusters.conf file to locate gateways, there is no list for the cluster gateway delete command to delete.

When you delete a list of gateways with the maprcli cluster gateway delete command, it's crucial to understand that this action does not uninstall the listed gateways from the data-fabric cluster where they are located. The gateways will remain in the cluster but no longer be part of the list.


maprcli cluster gateway delete
    [ -cluster <cluster on which the command needs to be run> ]
     -dstcluster <cluster name>
Request Type DELETE
Request URL


Parameter Description
cluster (Optional) The name of the cluster on which this command should be run. By default, this is the cluster on which the command is run.

(Required) The name of the cluster on which the gateways are located.

If you are replicating table data to another Data Fabric cluster, specify the name of that destination cluster. This destination cluster could be the source cluster if you are performing intra-cluster replication.

If you are indexing table data in an Elasticsearch cluster, specify the name of the source Data Fabric cluster because that is where the gateways are located.


Deletes a list of gateways that is stored on a source Data Fabric cluster. The gateways that are being used for table replication are located in the destination Data Fabric cluster newyork.

maprcli cluster gateway delete -dstcluster newyork
curl -X DELETE -u <username>