cluster info

Returns the minimum and maximum values for key cluster attributes.

Following are the attributes for which the command returns minimum and maximum values:

  • VolumeSize — The size of the volume.
  • VolumeQuotaSize — The hard quota (disk space) for the volume.
  • VolumeAdvisoryQuota — The advisory quota (disk space) for the volume.
  • VolumeLogicalUsedSize — The logical size used by the volume.
  • VolumeNumContainers — The number of replicas for the volume.
  • VolumeGuranteedNumContainers — The number of guaranteed replicas for the volume.
  • VolumeNumNamespaceContainers — The number of replicas for the name container associated with the volume.
  • VolumeGuranteedNumNamespaceContainers — The number of guaranteed replicas for the name container associated with the volume.
  • VolumeNumSnapshots — The number of snapshots of the volume.
  • VolumeCoalesceInterval — The coalesce interval setting for the volume.
  • VolumeMaxInodesAlarmThreshold — The threshold for triggering the VOLUME_ALARM_INODES_EXCEEDED alarm.
  • VolumeMaxNsSizeMbAlarmThreshold — The threshold for triggering the VOLUME_ALARM_INODES_EXCEEDED alarm.
  • VolumeReReplicationTimeOut — The timeout value for re-replication.
  • StoragePoolCapacitySize — The total amount of disk space on the storage pool.
  • StoragePoolUsedSize — The amount of used space on the storage pool.
  • StoragePoolAvailableSize — The amount of available space on the storage pool.


maprcli cluster info -getminmax <attributes>
Request Type GET
Request URL


Parameter Description
getminmax (Required) The comma-separated list of attributes for which to return the minimum and maximum values. Use the keyword all to retrieve the minimum and maximum values for all attributes.


Retrieve the minimum and maximum values for all the attributes:

# maprcli cluster info -getminmax all
  unit  min      max      name
  MB    1668446  2505237  StoragePoolAvailableSize
  MB    0        204800   VolumeAdvisoryQuota
  Num   1        2        VolumeGuranteedNumContainers
  Num   0        0        VolumeMaxInodesAlarmThreshold
  MB    1669494  2506849  StoragePoolCapacitySize
  MB    1048     1612     StoragePoolUsedSize
  MB    0        972      VolumeLogicalUsedSize
  Num   1        2        VolumeGuranteedNumNamespaceContainers
  Num   1        3        VolumeNumContainers
  MB    0        0        VolumeMaxNsSizeMbAlarmThreshold
  MB    0        818      VolumeSize
  Num   0        0        VolumeNumSnapshots
  MB    0        0        VolumeQuotaSize
  Sec   0        300      VolumeReReplicationTimeOut
  Num   1        3        VolumeNumNamespaceContainers
  Min   60       60       VolumeCoalesceInterval
For REST examples stated below, use the appropriate SSL-related command line option in the following curl command, according to your SSL setup.
When using a self-signed certificate pass the -k option to curl to avoid the certificate check.
 curl -k -X GET -u <username>
  "timeofday":"2022-11-21 11:00:13.716 GMT+0000 AM",