disk listall

Lists all disks.


maprcli disk listall
    [ -cluster <cluster> ]
    [ -limit <limit>]
    [ -output terse|verbose ]
    [ -start <offset>]
Request Type GET
Request URL




cluster (Optional) The cluster on which to run the command.
limit (Optional) The number of rows to return. Default: all
output (Optional) Either terse or verbose. Default: verbose
start (Optional) The record to start listing. Default: 0 (first record)


Information about all disks. See the Disk Fields table.

Sample Output

# maprcli disk listall -output terse
st  mn             ln       dst     hn                                       mt  dsu   fs       n           ft                                      pst      fw    dsa     vn    sp
0                           49      m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop0  squashfs
0                           63      m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop1  squashfs
0                           91      m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop2  squashfs
0   Virtual_CDROM           1023    m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/sr0                                            running  YS0J          IPMI
0   ST91000640NS   default  953869  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0   1679  MapR-FS  /dev/sdc                                            running  SN03  952190  ATA   1
0   ST91000640NS            1       m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/sdb1                                           running  SN03          ATA
0   ST91000640NS            2048    m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  1   430   ext4     /dev/sdb2   2a5ae887-dc8a-4614-885f-b6278206f7d2    running  SN03  1618    ATA
0   ST91000640NS            951818  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/sdb3   mpr0Ay-HJjt-zgGc-f8mE-09Pm-FhUV-ux7Por  running  SN03          ATA
0   ST91000640NS   default  953869  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0   1679  MapR-FS  /dev/sde                                            running  SN03  952190  ATA   1
0   ST91000640NS   default  953869  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0   1679  MapR-FS  /dev/sdd                                            running  SN03  952190  ATA   1
0   ST91000640NS   default  953869  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0   1557  MapR-FS  /dev/sdg                                            running  SN03  952312  ATA   2
0   ST91000640NS   default  953869  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0   1557  MapR-FS  /dev/sdf                                            running  SN03  952312  ATA   2
0                           102400  m2-sm2027-10-n1.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/dm-0   8cf9dc35-e68b-4aea-bc79-0439797f5c2d
0                           91      m2-sm2027-10-n2.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop0  squashfs
0                           63      m2-sm2027-10-n2.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop1  squashfs
0                           63      m2-sm2027-10-n2.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop2  squashfs
0                           38      m2-sm2027-10-n2.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop3  squashfs
0                           38      m2-sm2027-10-n2.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop4  squashfs
0                           91      m2-sm2027-10-n2.mip.storage.hpecorp.net  0                  /dev/loop5  squashfs


List the disks starting from the second record :

maprcli disk listall -start 1
When using a self-signed certificate, pass the -k option to curl to avoid the certificate check.
curl -k -u <username> -X GET https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/disk/listall?start=1